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Europe and global food security‘Special Week’ coverage


20 Nov 2009


Agriculture & Food
Health & Consumers

EurActiv, the independent media portal specialised in EU policies, will be running special coverage on Europe’s role in global food security from 23-27 November.

In the wake of the recent food price crisis in 2007-2008, the United Nations has warned that prices remain "stubbornly high in developing countries". It expects the number of hungry people in the world to increase to over one billion this year. The global economic crisis is further aggravating the situation by causing job losses and deepening poverty.

During the Special Week, will take a closer look at the current state of discussions on food security following the UN World Food Summit in Rome.

In Europe, milk farmers have had to battle through an unprecedented crisis, with milk prices reaching new lows after deregulation of the sector, leading angry farmers to stage protests in Brussels. Meanwhile, a debate has started over the revision of EU agricultural policy after 2013 amid bankruptcy warnings from some EU farmers and calls for the re-regulation of the food and agriculture sector.

The EurActiv special week will feature the following articles:

An exclusive interview with EU Farm Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel.
A new EurActiv policy brief (LinksDossier) on global food security and the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Food security in Africa and the developing world.
Trade issues and the Doha Round of WTO talks.
‘Land grabs’ from rich countries in the developing world.
Climate change and agriculture.

The special week coverage was made possible thanks to Syngenta, which supports EurActiv’s Agriculture and Food section. The section is available free of charge in three languages at the following address: [FR] [DE]

Media contacts:

Outi Alapekkala, Section Coordinator, food and agriculture, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.81,

Frédéric Simon, Editor, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.78,

Daniela Vincenti-Mitchener, Managing Editor, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.69,

Christophe Leclercq, Publisher,, Tel. +32(0),

Note to the editor: is the network of independent policy portals on EU Affairs, counting 590,000 unique visitors together with the Web2.0 platform Set up in 1999, the portal is an important working instrument for the majority of EU Actors (institutions, industry federations, NGOs, think tanks, the press and others) involved in defining or influencing EU policies.

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In order to provide free services and ensure independence, EurActiv's services are financed from four sources: corporate sponsoring, EurActor membership, online advertising and EU projects.

EurActiv's CrossLingual network is sponsored by Visa Europe, the European Year of Creativity and Innovation and the European Commission’s Small Business Act / SME week campaigns. General sponsors of are: CEFIC, Honeywell, ExxonMobil, TNS, INRIA, Enel, Syngenta, Veolia and the Nickel Institute. Section sponsors of are: Air France/FNAM, Dow, Nike, IBM, Kellen Europe and the European Publishers Council. Further supporters include: Shell, McKinsey & Company and Organisation International de la Francophonie. EurActiv also has 60 “content partners” (NGOs & think tanks) as well as ca. 500 “contributors”, providing their policy positions for free publication, up to the editorial team. Input welcome:

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