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EuroDOCSIS 3.0 Marches Forward witH New Certifications


Wed, 07/08/2009



Cable Europe Labs grants EuroDOCSIS 3.0 Certifications to Cisco, Hitron, Motorola & Ubee;

Cisco & Thomson recipients of EuroDOCSIS 2.0 Certifications

(Brussels, 8 July 2009) - Cable Europe Labs announces today a new wave of industry certifications granted to Cisco, Hitron, Motorola and Ubee for products that will be used for the ongoing roll out of EuroDOCSIS 3.0 across Europe. In addition, EuroDOCSIS 2.0 certification was also granted to products from Cisco and Thomson.

“The certifications that we are announcing today are yet another milestone for the cable industry as we see the collaboration between industry vendors and our European certification programme,” said Cable Europe Labs Managing Director, Malcolm Taylor. “The results make up part of the driving force behind the deployment of super fast broadband throughout the EU where we have seen a 17% increase to 18.3 million subscribers1 of internet through cable offerings. These products are setting the bar higher for high speed performance.”

The products certified by Cable Europe Labs for EuroDOCSIS 3.0 in European Certification Wave 35 include:

• Cisco EPC3000 Cable Modem - passed for EuroDOCSIS 3.0

• Cisco EPC3202 EMTA - passed for EuroDOCSIS 3.0 & EuroPacketCable 1.5

• Hitron BVG3653 EMTA - passed for EuroDOCSIS 3.0 & EuroPacketCable 1.5

• Motorola SB6120E Cable Modem - passed for EuroDOCSIS 3.0

• Motorola SBV6120E EMTA - passed for EuroDOCSIS 3.0 & EuroPacketCable 1.5

• Ubee EVM3210 EMTA - passed for EuroDOCSIS 3.0 & EuroPacketCable 1.5

In addition, the following products certified by Cable Europe Labs for EuroDOCSIS 2.0 in European Certification Wave 35 include:

• Cisco EPC2100R3 Cable Modem - passed for EuroDOCSIS 2.0

• Cisco EPC2425 EMTA - passed for EuroDOCSIS 2.0 & EuroPacketCable 1.5

• Thomson THG541 EMTA - passed for EuroDOCSIS 2.0 & EuroPacketCable 1.5

EuroDOCSIS technology enables high-speed Internet via cable and EuroPacketCable is the specification for VoIP telephony via cable. “Industry is a key partner in pushing EuroDOCSIS further throughout Europe. These products certified today are coming to market to meet consumer demand for more sophisticated and higher speed internet access. We certainly consider this ongoing cooperation encouraging for cable operators,” added Taylor.

Cable Europe Labs certified and qualified equipment is fully tested to be functional in compliance with the specifications for European cable technologies. Equipment such as cable modems and set top boxes, as well as network devices with Cable Europe Labs certification or qualified status, can be integrated in cable networks that operate in line with these EuroDOCSIS and EuroPacketCable technologies.

Cable Europe Labs certifications are granted following a rigorous testing process in the specialised technology labs of Excentis in Ghent, Belgium.

1 +17% growth (2008: 18.3 million subscribers of internet via cable compared to 2007: 15.7 million)

For more information, please contact:

Gregg Svingen

Director of Communications

T: +32 2 556 21 02

M: +32 476 490 603
