Making it easier to confiscate criminal assets EU-wide |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 02/25/2014 |
Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs |
EPP Group hails cars that alert 112 to save lives |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 02/25/2014 |
Health & Consumers |
MEPs limit car CO2 emissions to 95g/km by 2020 |
Tue, 02/25/2014 |
Transport |
Own resources for the EU budget: EPP Group calls for a simple system to finance EU budget |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 02/25/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
Joseph Daul hails the freeing of Yulia Tymoshenko |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Mon, 02/24/2014 |
Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs |
EDF - European Disability Forum |
Mon, 02/24/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
The European Healthcare industry calls for balanced and transparent funding of the EU pharmacovigilance system |
EuropaBio |
Fri, 02/21/2014 |
Health & Consumers |
Only a negotiated peaceful solution can end the violence in Ukraine |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 02/21/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Left must counter false dominant narrative that ‘austerity has been a success’ |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 02/21/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
Russian Customs’ allegations against TIR System judged “inconsistent with reality and defamatory” by Russian court |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Fri, 02/21/2014 |
Transport |
Enhancing Research & Innovation in the South of Europe |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Science & Policymaking |
Frontex: new improvements to prevent further deaths at sea |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
European Public Prosecutor's Office: effective tool to fight annual fraud of 500 million euro |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs |
Cheaper fees for Europeans when paying by credit card |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
Cheaper fees for Europeans when paying by credit card |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
European beer sector can help turn around ailing EU economy |
The Brewers of Europe |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Agriculture & Food |
Money laundering - New EU rules to shed light on opaque business structures after EP vote |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
Ukraine: EPP Group calls on Foreign Ministers to exclude Yanukovich from club of democratic leaders |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Biodegradable plastic bags are a myth |
EuPC - European Plastics Converters |
Thu, 02/20/2014 |
Climate & Environment |
9 Year Old and 8 Year Old Create Cross-Continent Mobile App in 5 Minutes! |
Citadel on the Move |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
InfoSociety |
The Venezuelan government must put an end to the violence against its own people |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Global Europe |
Do not kill your own Ukrainian people |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs |
New standards for window blinds will offer more protection to children |
ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Consumers, Environment and Innovation: priorities for the global household appliance industry |
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Health & Consumers |
Kiev tragedy - Ukraine Parliament must take initiative in work for political solution |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Global Europe |
Political and social crisis in Greece on the agenda for Left MEPs at special two-day Athens conference |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Launch of the campaign "Democratic Europe Now" |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Ukrainian Crisis - EU must act; Red Cross involvement key |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
GLE launches the 'LNG New Services Inventory' with focus on Small Scale LNG |
Wed, 02/19/2014 |
Energy |
AquaFed calls upon the EU to be more active in implementing the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation |
AquaFed |
Tue, 02/18/2014 |
Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers, Justice & Home Affairs |