EU journalists selected for 2012 fellowship scheme with Robert Bosch Stiftung
12 young journalists selected for a weeklong seminar in Berlin
6 Fellows selected for 8-week 'on-the-job' training in Brussels
Fondation EurActivPoliTech and the Robert Bosch Stiftung, with the help of an international jury including Radio France International and Deutsche Press Agentur, selected 12 professional journalists to take part in weeklong intensive seminar on “Making local stories European and European stories local” in Berlin. The 12 ‘up and coming’ young people come from eight European countries (UK, FR, DE, ES, PL, GR, DK and NL). Two of these journalists come from radio/TV, two are writing for trade union publications and the rest come from a mix of regional and national media. All have expressed a strong desire to learn more about reporting Europe.
"The high-quality of applicants this year impressed the jury who had a challenging task selecting the best 12 from a cracking short-list of 20 applicants to travel to Berlin" said Aidan White from the Global Editors Network and former Secretary General of IFJ.
“The aim of this expanded project is to build a network of young journalists with experience of working at EU level, in Brussels each fellow will have an opportunity to attend an EU Summit press conference, to interview at least one VIP as well as sending a steady flow of EU related articles to their home media” said Christian Hänel,Deputy Head of Department International Relations Western Europe, of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Quotes from the six Fellows selected to come to Brussels later this year:
- "Reporting on EU-topics has become more and more challenging - especially for the fast-paced online-media. For an in-depth coverage it is crucial for journalists to know where to get relevant information from." Kathrin Haimerl, Süddeutsche Zeitung Online
- "The EU Journalism Fellowship Program has been a thoroughly rewarding experience. Most importantly perhaps, the Program brings together a brilliant team of talented colleagues, who can exchange views, build connections and stay in touch for the rest of their careers." Dr. Nikos Chrysoloras, Journalist - Kathimerini daily, Greece
- “The EurActiv Fellowship in Berlin was a fantastic opportunity to meet high-profile people that are dealing with the EU affairs on day-to-day basis. Having already experienced the first part of the EU Journalism Training I can’t wait to start the final stage in Brussels.” Daniel Rzasa, Polish journalist - Forstal
- "The Berlin seminar was a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow European journalists and to learn more about how the EU functions from those who are closely involved in European policy making”. Joanna Impey, Europe Desk, Deutsche Welle
- "The seminar touched upon all the most important topics on the EU agenda of today - such as the green economy and the new regulation of the banking sector following the financial crisis." Anders Pedersen, Danish journalist, Ugebrevet A4
- “The exchange with professinals from other European countries during the workshop was of great value for me. At "Deutschlandfunk" and especially in our European show "Europa heute", we always try to take off the 'national glasses' and bring in other perspectives." Johanna Herzing, Deutschlandfunk, Abteilung Hintergrund, Germany
The second phase will take place between May and October 2012 and consists of an eight-week internship in Brussels, a trip to a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, opportunities to interview VIPs and access to one of the scheduled EU Summits. Each journalist will be assigned to a senior editor, who will act as their mentor and coach. Each of the selected journalists will produce articles for publication on EurActiv.com and in their home media. The selected journalists will be reimbursed by Fondation EurActiv PoliTech, thanks to the Robert Bosch Stiftung, for their travel costs to and from Berlin, to and from Brussels/Strasbourg and for their living expenses while in Brussels. They will continue to be employed by their sending media.
Fondation EurActiv PoliTech is keen to expand this programme in the second half of 2012 and again in 2013. Interested grant-makers are welcome to request information from Julian Oliver (see contacts below). More information on Robert Bosch Stiftung Programmes for Journalists can be found here.
Julian Oliver, Secretary General, Fondation EurActiv, Tel.+32(0)2.226 5825, SecGen@EurActiv.com
Mona Hinz, Projektleiterin, Völkerverständigung Westeuropa, Amerika,Türkei, Japan, Indien Tel: + 49 (0) 711/460 84-148 mona.hinz@bosch-stiftung.de
Daniela Vincenti, Managing Editor, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.69, news@euractiv.com
Christophe Leclercq, Publisher, EurActiv.com, Tel. +32(0), publisher@euractiv.com
Dominique Ostyn, Senior Manager Communications & New Media, Tel: + 32(0)2 788 36 88, communication@euractiv.com
Note to the editor:
Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH: The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the major German foundations associated with a private company. It holds 92 percent of the share capital of Robert Bosch GmbH. Established in 1964, it represents the philanthropic endeavors of Robert Bosch (1861-1942), focussing on the fields of science, health, international relations, education, society, and culture.
Fondation EurActivPoliTech is a Belgian foundation set up in 2003. Its activities include: research; advice for European media; logistical support to partners; training (to over 100 people, since 2004). Fondation EurActiv also provides EurActiv.com with guidance on editorial strategy and media independence. Over time it is widening its scope to include coaching on policy information and helping non Brussels-based on-line media to get a foothold in EU circles.
EurActiv is the independent online media network dedicated to EU policy, counting 609,000 unique visitors monthly together with the Web 2.0 platform Blogactiv.eu. Set up in 1999, the network is an important working instrument for actors (institutions, industry federations, NGOs, think tanks, the press and others) involved in defining or influencing EU policies. The EurActiv Network publishes EU policy news and information in 15 languages from offices in the capitals of 15 European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom and Turkey. The Network's national policy portals are accessible here
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