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EU Council: we cannot waste any time in fighting tax fraud. Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP Group


23 May 2013


EU Priorities 2020
Euro & Finance

“The proposals on the table for strengthening the fight against fraud, tax evasion and tax havens are moving us in the right direction. They are necessary for a united Europe. We are living in a period in which we cannot afford to lose any time in fighting for every cent of public money. The EPP Group set the EU agenda for the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax havens. We call on the Member States to be more ambitious, to deliver results and to implement what has been agreed today,” said Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP Group, commenting on the outcome of today´s European Council.

“The EPP Group calls continuously for ‘more Europe’. Not that we think everything has to be decided in Brussels or Strasbourg. But because it is at the European level that this kind of issue can be resolved in the most efficient way. Energy, for example, is no longer an exclusively national topic. On the contrary, it is in an integral part of our Single Market. We welcome the commitment of the European Council to addressing the issue of energy prices. Increasing costs for energy represent not only a burden for households and SMEs, but also a brake on competitiveness for our industry. We therefore suggest that renewable energies in Europe should be promoted in a more coordinated manner and not by a multitude of different national schemes. This would render support more efficient and would save money, “added the Chairman.

Europe allows us to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Whether that is by ensuring our independence energy-wise or by the creation of a true single market, including fiscal. We stand up for these aims because they are part of the Europe we believe in,“ concluded Joseph Daul.


For more information:

Joseph DAUL MEP, EPP Group Chairman, Tel: +32-2-284-55-25

Delia Vlase, Chairman´s Spokeswoman, Tel: +32-476-331038