ETNO adopts a new internal organisation to better address new market and technology challenges


Tue, 01/18/2011


Trade & Society

Brussels – ETNO launched today a new internal organisation, including a repositioning around seven main working groups: Competitive Markets, Digital Society, Research and Innovation, Corporate Responsibility, Digital Single Market, Data Protection, Trust and Security and, Spectrum policies.

“The internal reorganisation of ETNO around seven strategic working groups will strengthen ETNO’s position as a main interlocutor on major challenges for the sector, such as e-advertising, relations with over the top players. This also reflects ETNO’s strong commitment to work with Commissioner Kroes, the European Parliament and the Council to actively contribute and shape the European and international policy debate on the future of the ICT sector and hence, to  achieve the Digital Agenda”, says Luigi Gambardella, new Chair of ETNO Executive Board.

Through its seven new strategic working groups, ETNO will increase its contribution to the Digital Agenda and actively participate in key forthcoming debates at the EU level. The new working groups include as follows:

Competitive markets: EU policy developments regarding market regulation and creation of best conditions for investment in new high speed networks;

Chair: Ralf Nigge, Deutsche Telekom

Digital Society: EU broadband and consumer policies, including public funding, state aid, universal service, demand side initiatives to encourage usage and take up of broadband services;

Chair: Michele Bellavite, Telecom Italia

Research & Innovation: Contribution to EU framework research programmes, promotion of ETNO members’ innovation initiatives and of their benefits for European citizens and businesses;

Chair: Brigitte Cardinael, France Telecom - Orange.

Corporate Responsibility: Contribution of the ICT sector to sustainability and climate change, energy saving and Green ICT, safe internet for minors;

Chair: Danilo Riva, Telecom Italia

Digital Single Market: promotion of the online single market for legitimate digital content, ecommerce related issues (e.g. IPR collective rights…), e-health and e-Government services, human rights;

Chair: Caterina Bortolini, Telecom Italia

Data Protection, Trust & Security: Review of the EU Data Protection and Data Retention Directives, implementation of ePrivacy Directive, eAdvertising and issues related to consumer’s rights and on line trust;

Chair: Cristina Vela, Telefonica

Spectrum policies: Frequency management, Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, digital dividend;

Chair: Massimiliano Simoni, Telecom Italia

Through its other working groups, ETNO also covers employment, health and safety; taxation; benchmarking; naming, addressing and numbering; fraud, cybercrime and network security; internet governance; external trade; and relations with the International Telecommunications Union.

For more information, please contact Thierry Dieu, ETNO Communications Manager Tel:    (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax:  (32-2) 219 64 12 E-mail:


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