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EPP Group-backed Single European Sky regulation approved by the European Parliament


Wed, 03/12/2014


The European Parliament today adopted (489 votes in favour, 154 against, 34 abstentions) a regulation on the 'Implementation of the Single European Sky (Recast)' by Marian-Jean Marinescu MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.
Focusing on the reorganisation and administration of European airspace, the regulation, known as Single European Sky 2+ (SES 2+), is looking to speed up implementation of the required reforms in a field which has not seen major improvements over the last period. It follows up on two previously adopted regulations, SES I (2004) and SES II (2009), and aims at eliminating existing borders in the European sky to make airspace management more effective. Increased effectiveness would translate into direct routes, shorter flights, lower fares and greater safety.
I personally think that a service should be modelled for the beneficiary. In this case the beneficiaries are the 600 million passengers flying over Europe each year. 
Marian-Jean Marinescu MEP
"I personally think that a service should be modelled for the beneficiary. In this case the beneficiaries are the 600 million passengers flying over Europe each year. They should benefit from safety, comfort and a correct price. An airspace architecture based on activity efficiency and not on borders can do this. This is what SES tries to achieve through SES 2+ and SESAR, the future of air traffic control," said Marinescu.
There is no solid argument against the SES 2+ provisions, and today's vote is yet another proof of that
The EPP Group Rapporteur added: “So far, the opposition that has prevented the creation of a truly Single European Sky has been based on political reasoning. The Unions and the Member-State administrations were reluctant for different reasons: fear of losing jobs and privileges, as well as monopolies over air traffic control, the only ones left in the EU. In all discussions on the matter, the focus was not on the passengers, but on the administration on the ground. The fact that both the Lithuanian and the Greek presidencies were not able to start discussions with the Council proves that Member States know that if dialogue starts, we will reach an agreement. Why? Because there is no solid argument against the SES 2+ provisions, and today's vote is yet another proof of that."
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 274 Members from 27 Member States.
Background information on the Single European Sky:
27,000 flights cross Europe each day. But not straight, from one airport to the other, as they should. The airspace’s architecture, which is built according to national borders, does not allow otherwise. The result: delays, longer flights and extra costs that passengers, indirectly, pay. Thus the need for a new airspace architecture, based on efficiency, not on borders – this is the essence of the Single European Sky (SES).
The idea of reforming the way in which air traffic is managed in Europe appeared in the 90s and the first European regulation, SES I, was adopted in 2004. It promised fewer delays, a threefold increase in traffic capacity and a tenfold improvement in performance and safety, along with a 50% cut in costs relating to Air Traffic Management (ATM). However, Member States failed to implement it.
The second one, SES II, entered into force in 2009. The regulation introduced a Traffic C
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