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07 Apr 2009



London, April 7, 2009 - Empirix, the market leader of service quality assurance solutions for new IP communications, has become a member of ECTA, the European Competitive Telecommunications Association. Joining as an ‘Associate’ member, Empirix’s aim is to help ECTA’s operator members better understand and address the challenges of service quality assurance in order to meet both regulatory requirements and their own service standards.

Innocenzo Genna, Chairman of ECTA, said: “We are delighted to welcome Empirix as a new member. We are confident that ECTA members will benefit from Empirix’s expertise, helping them understand the value of service quality assurance and determining the best network and service performance monitoring strategies.”

Since 1992, Empirix’s HammerTM-based service quality assurance solutions have helped customers successfully transition to new technologies including VoIP, NGN as well as IMS-based networks, Unified Communications, and IP Contact Centres.

JD Doyle, Global VP of Worldwide Service Assurance, Empirix, says: “We are proud to join ECTA as the association that represents the pro-competitive element in the European telecoms industry. ECTA members actively invest in next-generation networks. As they roll out new services across such networks, it is vital for them to maintain the high levels of service quality that customers have come to expect. We look forward to leading discussions with ECTA to make sure its operator members gain the full benefits of pursuing service quality assurance as a key business strategy.”

Empirix and ECTA will be working together to conduct a member audit to determine appropriate plans for upcoming discussions on service quality assurance.

Follow this link for a pdf copy of the press release:

About ECTA

The European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA) looks after the regulatory and commercial interests of new entrant telecoms operators, ISPs and suppliers of products and services to the communications industry.

ECTA works for a fair regulatory environment that allows all electronic communications providers to compete on level terms in order to multiply investment and innovation throughout an effective European internal market. The association represents the telecommunications industry to key government and regulatory bodies and maintains a forum for networking and business development.

ECTA member companies include operators, service providers and suppliers as well as National Associations of such which all contribute towards regulatory policy development and participate in our comprehensive range of networking events, conferences, seminars, briefings and executive meetings.

About Empirix

Empirix is the global market leader of service quality assurance solutions for new IP networks and applications that unify communications. All of the world’s top ten Network Equipment Manufacturers, nine of the top ten Service Providers and most of the Fortune 100 companies depend on Empirix solutions to help them adopt new communications technologies with the quality their users require. Since 1992, Empirix’s HammerTM -based service quality assurance solutions have helped Network Equipment Manufacturers, Network Service Providers and Enterprise Contact Centres successfully transition to new technologies including Unified Communications, IP Contact Centres, VoIP, NGN, and IMS-based networks.
To learn more about the company, visit

For further information, please contact Barbara McCall, The Wordshop, Tel: +44 (0) 20 7031 8270, Email: