ECR Group votes for simpler energy labels on household products
Consumers will find it easier to choose energy efficient products such as cookers and fridges under new EU labelling rules supported today by Conservative MEPs.
The existing system includes the rankings A+, A++ and A+++ and can mean a product with an A rating may be one of the most inefficient and expensive to run. The European Parliament has now voted to replace it with straightforward A-G rankings.
The ECR Group's shadow rapporteur for the report, Ashley Fox MEP, said the current labels were confusing.
"The new ratings will provide clarity to consumers and enable them to make accurate energy efficient and cost efficient choices," he said. "The cost of owning a fridge isn't just the price you pay in the shop."
The legislation also introduces a product data base accessible to authorities in all Member States, retailers and to app developers, who will be able to incorporate the details into product searches and help people make choices based on more than just cost. Manufacturers only need to upload the information once, rather than potentially have to respond to 28 separate requests from Member States.
Mr Fox added: "We have seen that abuses in the motor industry have impacted consumer confidence and therefore the introduction of a database will add much needed vigour to market surveillance."
Contact: Robert Taylor, +32 498 98 47 60, robert.taylor@europarl.europa.eu
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