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Drawing attention to EUROPA Stamps


Thu, 11/21/2019


Global Europe
Using app technology
This year's EUROPA stamps theme - “National Birds” was the perfect opportunity for postal operators to apply the CEE App technology to their unique designs. Since its launch last May, this new innovative dimension to the stamps was met with a favourable response from users.  
The series of EUROPA BirdProject stamps from twenty Postal Administrations received favourable response on their initiative. From May till September, the mobile application creator, CEE Platform technologies reported that more than 25,000 scans across 29 countries using the app were made. Using a compilation of stamp visual, text and audio library for each participating stamp placed on a special platform, stamp collectors can simply download the free "CEE App" app to their smart devices and scan the physical stamp from participating countries* and listen to the distinct chirps of the bird depicted on the design. Moreover, collectors will also have access to specific information's related to each participating stamp at their fingertips and they will also be able to access the Postal Operator's online store and order the stamps directly there.
CEE Platform revealed that the Norwegian "Fossekall" Dippers is the most scanned stamp.  This Is followed by, the German "Heimische Vogel" Native bird, the Dutch "Puttertje" Goldfinch and Greek "Kneu".
While the countries with top activities were Norway, the Netherlands, Spain and Germany.
"The results from this initiative tells us how technology can help inspire more postal operators adopt new and fun ways to promote their beautiful stamps design. It truly enhances the customer experience and we hope to have more collaborations like these in the near future." said Agnieszka Trząskowska, Chair of the PostEurop Stamps & Philately Working Group.  
*List of postal administration participating countries in the BirdProject:
1. Belgium - bpost
2. Bosnia Herzegovina - Hrvatska pošta Mostar
3. Croatia - Hrvatska pošta
4. Faroe Islands - P/F Postverk Føroya
5. Germany – Deutsche Post DHL
6. Gibraltar - Royal Gibraltar Post Office
7. Greece – Hellenic Post S.A. - ELTA
8. Greenland - Post Greenland
9. Guernsey – Guernsey Post
10. Ireland – An Post
11. Iceland - ĺslandspóstur hf
12. Isle of Man – Isle of Man Post Office
13. Jersey – Jersey Post
14. Luxemburg – Post Luxembourg
15. Netherlands – PostNL
16. Norway – Posten Norge AS
17. Portugal – CTT Portugal Post
18. Slovenia - Pošta Slovenije, d.o.o.
19. Spain - Correos y Telégrafos S.A.
20. Switzerland – Swiss Post
Click here to download the app:
More about EUROPA Stamps
Since 1956, EUROPA stamps have been a symbol of Europe’s desire for closer integration and co-operation. These special stamps are issued by the European postal administrations/enterprises and bears the EUROPA logo, a PostEurop registered trademark. Since 1993, PostEurop has been the responsible organisation for issuing EUROPA stamps and each year, philately experts within the Philately working group organise the competition amongst other philately initiatives. See more information on
For more information, please contact:
Cynthia Wee-Neumann
Communications Manager
T: +2 2 773 11 92 
POSTEUROP is the association which represents European public postal operators. It is committed to supporting and developing a sustainable European postal communication market accessible to all customers and ensuring a modern and affordable universal service. Our Members represent 2 million employees across Europe and deliver to 800 million customers daily through over 175,000 counters.
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