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Deal reached between EU Parliament and Council. S&Ds say NO MORE to 'Dieselgate' scandals, unfair competition goods and counterfeit goods sold in the EU


Health & Consumers
The European Parliament and the Council struck an important deal on the ‘Market Surveillance Regulation’ that outlines common rules for better checks and an increased safety of goods sold in the EU.
This agreement will make sure that only safe products will be sold - including online - to consumers, it will ensure a more coordinated market surveillance across the EU, a better enforcement of rules applicable to products and last but not least it will prevent rogue traders from gaining advantages over companies that respect the rules.
The internal market and consumer protection committee rapporteur and S&D Member, Nicola Danti, said:
“Recent scandals, such as the ‘Dieselgate’, dramatically show that the circulation of unsafe and non-compliant products is still a reality in the EU market. The volume of unsafe products in the EU is growing and spreading throughout all those sectors that have a strong and direct impact on our daily lives: toys, cars, textiles and clothing, electronics and personal equipment.
“Behind unsafe products, there are often hidden tax evasion and counterfeiting activities. Furthermore, this practice brings about not only risks for consumers’ health but also for all those companies that comply with the regulations. As a result, those who respect the rules risk being pushed out of the market.
“With the deal struck today in the negotiation with the Council, the EU will benefit from a more effective, modern and common control system, with a greater attention to goods sold online. For most products in circulation in the EU, including imported goods, it will be necessary to have an economic operator to guarantee its conformity.
“We have also strengthened the system of mutual cooperation between national authorities and their investigative powers, key elements for an effective market surveillance system.”


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