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CPME congratulates the European Parliament on the positive outcome of the vote on “patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare


Thu, 04/23/2009


Health & Consumers

On Thursday 23 April 2009, the European Parliament adopted in first reading the proposal for a directive on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare. To date, the issue of a patient's right to access healthcare elsewhere in the EU has so far been decided by the Europeam Court of justice. The Commission proposal and the outcome of the first reading on this in the European Parliament today, aim to clarify the situation by putting in place a system to allow patients access to treatment in other Member States. CPME welcomes the European Parliament’s call for clearer rules on EU citizen's access to treatment elsewhere in the EU. The vote on this report is the first step in the right direction for establishing a level playing field in cross-border healthcare.

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