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CPME Board meeting 14 June 2008 outcomes


16 Jun 2008


Innovation & Enterprise
Health & Consumers
Social Europe & Jobs

The CPME opposes to the political agreement reached by the EPSCO Council on 9 June 2008, as it jeopardises patients’ and doctors’ safety in Europe and would penalise European health services as a whole through the reduction in the level of protection of both patients and doctors.


EUI - European University Institute
Coordinator of the Academy of European Law
Eurosif - The European Sustainable Investment Forum
(Senior) Policy Adviser
Sealed Air Belgium N.V.
Government Affairs Senior Manager
Save the Children
Consultancy ToR
CCAM Association
Office Assistant
SolarPower Europe
Senior Policy Advisor
SAFE Safe Food Advocacy Europe A.S.B.L.
EU Projects & Policy Officer
LRE Foundation
Communications Trainee