Construction European Social Partners set conditions for a sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine in the framework of the Ukraine Recovery Conference
In the framework of the Ukraine Recovery Conference that will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 11 and 12 June, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) highlight their “Memorandum of Understanding” for a sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine.
In the Memorandum, the EFBWW and FIEC - the European sectoral Social Partners of the construction industry -recognise the important role of the European Union and its Member States in promoting sustainability in the recovery phase of Ukraine.
The European federations encourage the concerned stakeholders and authorities, together with the social partners, to put in place an adequate framework aiming at:
• Combatting corruption and ensuring effective inspection;
• Promoting quality jobs;
• Ensuring quality apprenticeships and the development of skills in collaboration with training facilities in EU Member States;
• Encouraging collective bargaining;
• Adopting adequate occupational health and safety provisions in the construction sector, especially regarding the exposure of workers to asbestos;
• Fostering the cooperation between Social Partners.
EFBWW General secretary, Tom Deleu: “The reconstruction of Ukraine must foster the creation of a sustainable construction industry based on training, skills, good working conditions and quality jobs. A genuine social dialogue with strong sectoral social partners is the best way to get there and this needs to be prepared already now. Direct jobs covered by collective bargaining agreements must be the rule; workers’ health and safety must be ensured with specific attention for the risk of landmines and the exposure to asbestos.”
FIEC Director General, Domenico Campogrande: “The reconstruction of Ukraine is an opportunity to take further steps in the implementation in Ukraine of the EU legislation, in the light of a future accession to the EU. In this respect the social legislative framework is a key one for the construction industry, which, besides the progresses in the digital transition, remains a labourintensive industry. This is one of the reasons for which Social Dialogue is a key priority for FIEC. It is also a mean to ensure fair and attractive working conditions, which will allow the industry to face the on-going skills mismatches and labour shortages that construction companies are confronted with in most of the Member States”.
EFBWW - The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) is the European Workers’ Industry Federation for the building sector, woodworking, forestry and allied industries and trades. The EFBWW has 77 affiliated unions in 36 countries and represents a total of 1.5 million members. The EFBWW is a member organisation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
Contact: EFBWW
Paula Cravina – Communication officer pcravina@efbww.eu +32 473 13 43 49
FIEC - Through its 32 national member federations in 27 European countries (24 EU & Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine) and a supporting partner in the United Kingdom, the European Construction Industry Federation represents construction enterprises of all sizes (from SMEs to large international firms), from all building and civil engineering specialties engaged in all kinds of working methods. FIEC is partner of the European Parliament for the European Elections communication campaign and is officially recognised as partner of the EU Social Dialogue.
FIEC Giulia Garofalo - Press & Communication Officer g.garofalo@fiec.eu +32 485 601 177