Brussels, 6 January 2010 – In a submission today to the European Commission concerning
a Reflection Paper on a reform of the copyright system from October 2009, the Association
of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) stresses its opposition to some possible reforms
flagged in the paper. While the Commission argues that reforms may be needed in order to
respond to the development of new business models as well as to changing consumer
demand, commercial broadcasters do not see the need for such a radical move.
Ross Biggam, Director General ACT, highlighted: “Our experience is that existing
copyright regimes have proved quite adaptable to the new media environment. The current
rights licensing system is based on long standing commercial practices, jurisprudence and
international, European and national regulation. We do not regard the fact that some
negotiations have broken down as anything other than a normal commercial reality and it
certainly does not in itself justify a complete overhaul of the copyright framework. This is a
matter for negotiation, not for legislation”.
Commercial broadcasters represent one of the key players in the content industry as they
are at the same time creators, investors and distributors of content, thus being both owners
and mass users of copyright. Latest studies reveal the important role that cultural and
creative sectors play within the European economy, generating a turnover of more than €
650 billion annually, employing more than 3% of the EU work force. But the cultural and
creative industries comprise many different sectors including music, television, book or print
businesses. The Reflection Paper looks in a broad sense at a reform of the copyright system
without differentiating between the specific needs of each of these sectors or the many
different categories of rights they require.
For the television industry, there are two main elements which need to be safeguarded in
order to be able to maintain a sustainable level of investment in new content: the concept of
exclusivity and the current system of release windows. Exclusivity enables broadcasters to
show the content they produced or acquired on an exclusive basis, while release windows
relate to films and the different platforms they are being sold to and then appear on, such as
cinema, DVDs, pay-TV and free-to-air television. To put it simply – attractive content costs
money. And the ACT believes that re-investment in all genres of content – including sports,
professional journalism or original drama – should be encouraged. It is against this
background that the ACT opposes the suggestion from the European Commission to
introduce a European Copyright Title. When introducing such a Title, the Commission
underestimates the difficulties and complications such a change would bring along.
Christian Hauptmann, Chairman ACT IPR Working Group & Deputy General Counsel
RTL Group, stressed: “The future system for copyright should first and foremost ensure a
sustainable environment for creativity and cultural diversity where creators of audiovisual
content are rewarded for their works and rights holders can commercialise and protect their
content in order to obtain a return on investment, which will be used to finance new content.
Existing mechanisms such as release windows and exclusivity of content should be kept in
place as they represent the core of our business and enable us to continuously reinvest in
content and services to satisfy consumer demand”.
About the ACT:
The Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) represents the interests of the commercial
broadcasting sector in Europe. Formed in 1989, the ACT has thirty member companies active in 34
European countries. Our members operate several hundred free-to-air and pay-tv channels and
distribute many more channels and new services. The ACT members encompass several business
models: free-to-air broadcasters and pay-TV players, digital platform operators and multimedia groups.
Press Contact
Ross Biggam
Director General
Phone: +32 2 738 76 13
GSM: +32 477 407 733
E-mail: rb@acte.be
Utta Tuttlies
Head of Communications
Phone : +32 2 738 76 18
GSM : +32 495 246 467
E-mail : ut@atcte.be