The actual fuel consumption of modern vehicles under real-world driving conditions is still divergent from the laboratory values. That is caused on the one hand by the driving behaviour of individuals and on the other hand by different requirements of the test cycle. In addition, it can also be attributed to the vehicle manufacturers’ targeted optimisation of software and hardware in the engine operating points for the test cycles in order to artificially improve CO2 results.
For this reason, CITA and EGEA welcome the introduction, from 1st January 2021, of an independent and regular check of the difference between laboratory values and real-world CO2 emissions and energy-consumption values. This is the only way to prevent a further increase in the discrepancy between these measurements and to ensure transparency for consumers.
CITA and EGEA also welcome the opportunity to evaluate, by 2027, how representative the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) is of real-world traffic conditions as a basis for developing measures to modify regulations.
Checking actual CO2 emissions based on the actual fuel or energy consumption can be implemented during PTI by using the electronic vehicle interface (OBD). In the view of CITA and EGEA, the need of gathering that specific data and the requested rapid delivery can be provided in a cost beneficial approach. CITA and EGEA are ready to develop and provide a solution with a representative data quantity for all vehicle models from 2021.
CITA (www.citainsp.org), the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee, is the worldwide not-for-profit association of governmental agencies and authorised private companies active on vehicle compliance.
EGEA (www.egea-association.eu), the European Garage and test Equipment Association, is the European association and political representative in Brussels of the manufacturers of tools and equipment for the repair, servicing and technical inspection of vehicles, as an integral part of supporting the automotive industrial value chain.
For more information, please contact:
- Jordi BRUNET - EGEA Secretary-General | sg@egea-association.eu
- Eduard FERNÁNDEZ - CITA Executive Director | e.fernandez@citainsp.org