CAP: Setting the course for a successful agricultural policy. Albert Dess MEP
The Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the European Parliament today agreed on the basis for the EU's future agricultural policy after 2013. EPP Group Rapporteur Albert Dess succeeded in reaching a cross-party compromise, which will form a basis for the future legislative act.
Today's Report calls for the introduction of additional measures to protect the environment, which must be implemented on the basis of existing systems. This so-called 'greening' aims at linking direct payments to farmers with specific environmental requirements. These could include the preservation of green spaces and natural resources. To be able to introduce these environmental measures, the committee requested a continuation of the future EU agricultural budget at least at the level of 2013, as well as the preservation of the established two-pillar model. However, the distribution of direct payments to farmers in the different EU countries should be aligned more closely. A cutback in bureaucracy and a reduction of administrative costs inside Member States would also be necessary, the committee said.
"With an increasing world population and the challenges we are facing in order to protect our environment and climate, we need to continue with a competitive and sustainable EU agricultural policy in the future. The CAP must retain its capacity to supply the European population with high-quality and affordable food after 2013, as well as protect the environment. For that, our farmers need fair compensation", Dess emphasised.
Following today's vote, Albert Dess' Report is likely to be voted in the June II plenary session of the European Parliament.
For further information:
Albert DESS MEP, Tel: +32-2-2847231
Lasse Böhm, EPP Group Press, Communications Service, Tel: +32-484-656897