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Cable Europe Statement on European State Aid Guidelines


Fri, 06/01/2012



At a time when Europeans are concerned about the state of the economy, we are calling for caution on the use of European public funds. Where state aid for broadband is concerned, funds should go where citizens are not being served by connectivity at all. 

It is vital that any prospective allocation is subject to a rigorous assessment of the particular circumstances. These scarce resources must be used as efficiently and effectively as possible - disincentives to private investment and market distortions must be avoided. Public funds simply shouldn't be diverted to an area where a private investor would otherwise be ready to invest.

Let’s focus tightly on citizens in the areas of greatest need in Europe where there is a genuine, proven and persistent lack of commercial viability. We remain optimists for European connectivity given the intense competition among cable, fiber and incumbent operators investing in ever higher broadband speeds.

     Cable Europe/Cable Europe Labs

     Avenue des Arts 41, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

     T: +32 2 556 2104   F: +32 2 521 7976



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