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Bridging the skills gap in Additive Manufacturing: The European Sector Skills Strategy Roadmap to 2030 is now out to support the growth and competitiveness of the sector


25 Feb 2021


Innovation & Enterprise

Brussels 24.02.2021 – The Erasmus+ blueprint for  skills  in  Additive  Manufacturing (AM), the SAM project, has released its Skills Strategic Roadmap to 2030 outlining key challenges of the Additive Manufacturing sector and a strategy to overcome the obstacles and fully deploy AM technology for a faster, green and digital recovery.

The objective of the SAM project is to define a strategic framework for the recognition and anticipation of skills’ needs to maximize the impact of Additive Manufacturing in production lines. In this context, the Roadmap presents the overall guidance for implementing the strategy for skills development in AM until 2030. The Sector Skills Strategy outlines the path that the SAM project is going to take for the following years of activities, stressing on the fast-paced changes of the Sector and how the Skills Strategy will necessarily evolve, adapt and adjust to current and      future trends       in Additive       Manufacturing,       also       considering       the disruption that the current pandemic situation has on the industrial ecosystem.

As a matter of fact, the Strategy tackles seven “Gap Drivers” or Challenges, namely: Mismatch between industry needs and educational/training offering; Fast development of the technology; Lack of AM awareness among younger generations; Shortage of training centres, specially at Vocational Education and Training level, capable of delivering AM training; Absence of Sector and process specific requirements for AM reflected on the qualifications of professionals; and the Need of more “infrastructures” for AM training.

The  “Roadmap”  structure  will  allow  each   strategic   initiative   (and   their   related  activities identified in the Roadmap as necessary to bridge such gaps) to be implemented in a realistic and measurable manner grounded in the AM Observatory and the deployment of the International AM Qualification System (IAMQS) through a network of accredited training providers, whose work is supported by a strong interlink with industrial stakeholders applying AM in their activity. The synergies created with the industrial experts allow, in fact, the consortium to align its activities to the real and expected needs of the sector.

The European Additive Manufacturing Skills Strategy and Roadmap has been already endorsed by key      industrial      cross-sector      stakeholders.      It is       public       and now open       to all organisations wishing to engage and support it.

About the SAM project:

If you would like to be involved in the IAMQS or be part of the European AM Observatory, please contact us at If you would like to know more about the Sector Skills Strategy Roadmap to 2030, visit our website and get actively involved in our activities by compiling this form.

The SAM project is the Sector Skills Strategy for Additive Manufacturing.




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