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Bioethanol industry welcomes EC guidelines on biofuel sustainability and certification


Fri, 06/11/2010


Climate & Environment

Brussels, today – “Europe made another important step today towards a more

sustainable transport future”, said Rob Vierhout, Secretary‐General of eBIO

aBer the publicaCon of the long awaited implementaCon guidelines of the EU

biofuels sustainability scheme. “This document is essenCal to ensure that

biofuels used to count towards the European targets have been produced

following the toughest sustainability standards applied worldwide”.

When presenCng the guidelines, Energy Commissioner Günther OeLnger

highlighted the crucial importance of sustainable biofuels for the European

climate and energy strategy. Biofuels will remain the only ready‐made soluCon

to curb greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector for the foreseeable

future. He indicated that biofuels offer far greater opportuniCes than risks,

especially compared to fossil fuels that are more and more costly and risky to

produce. “There is no way around biofuels if Europe is serious about its climate

and energy security goals”, Vierhout commented. “We applaud the

Commissioner’s clear support for biofuels and for the 10% target.”

The Commission has now called upon industry, government and NGOs to

present cerCficaCon schemes that guarantee that only sustainable biofuels will

be used in Europe. The EU bioethanol industry is working very hard to have

schemes operaConal soon. The first one from industry REDcert is already

approved in Germany.

The European Bioethanol fuel industry has been awaiCng those guidelines and

welcomes their publicaCon. They provide the necessary clarity and pan‐

European rule‐book to allow for business decisions regarding long‐term

biofuels investments anywhere in the EU27.

The criCcism by a number of environmental NGOs that these guidelines are not

addressing the effects of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) is misplaced. The

discussion on the sCll unproven ILUC theory will take place later this year as is

foreseen by the DirecCve. “Narrowing down the biofuel debate to ILUC is equal

to ignoring the importance and significance of the strictest environmental

criteria ever placed upon an industry sector. It is pure spinning of facts and

scaremongering, and this is not very construcCve”, said Vierhout.

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Contact details

Mr. Christophe Bourillon

106, Rue Joseph II

B‐1000 Brussels

p: +



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