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The Barroso Commission: Change for a new five-year term?


Tue, 09/22/2009


EU Priorities 2020

EurActiv ‘Special Week’ coverage on the priorities for the next European Commission

EurActiv, the independent media portal specialised in EU policies, is running special coverage on 21-25 September on the new European Commission.

With José Manuel Barroso confirmed last week for a second five-year term at the Commission’s helm, EurActiv will be looking at the challenges the president will be facing in the coming months and years.

What are the likely changes foreseen in the Commission’s workings? How different will the post-2010 Lisbon Agenda for growth and jobs be from the current one? What are the member states’ positions on key policy issues for the next five years – ranging from financial regulation to climate change? These will be among the topics addressed in this Special Week coverage.

Some of these topics are addressed in policy briefings (LinksDossiers) already published on EurActiv, including the following relevant ones:
- 2004-2009: An evaluation of the Barroso Commission
- Growth and jobs: Reshaping the EU's 'Lisbon Strategy'

Frédéric Simon, EurActiv Editor, said: “Despite the uncertainty on whether the Treaty of Lisbon will be ratified in the autumn, there are a number of issues which already seem to stand out as major priorities for the next Commission, such as dealing with international competitiveness issues linked to the EU’s ambitious action on climate change agenda, or dealing with the regulation of financial markets that has put the European economy into recession.”

EurActiv’s coverage of the new Commission’s priorities follows from the extensive coverage of the European elections in its EU elections ’09 section. The section will be merged later in the year with a revamped section on EU priorities.

EurActiv has several other policy sections relevant to the future agenda of the EU institutions, and notably on replacing the current Lisbon Agenda. These include two ‘CrossLingual sections’ (with coverage in its 10 country network and localisation in 10 languages):
- Enterprise and Jobs
- Innovation & Creativity (official media channel for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009)

Media contacts:
Frédéric Simon, Editor, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.78,
Christophe Leclercq, Publisher, Tel. +32(0),

Note to the editor: is the network of independent policy portals on EU Affairs, counting 590,000 unique visitors together with the Web2.0 platform (CIM certified figures – October 2008). Set up in 1999, the portal is an important working instrument for the majority of EU Actors (institutions, industry federations, NGOs, think tanks, the press and others) involved in defining or influencing EU policies.

National policy portals of the CrossLingual network in 10 countries and 10 languages are accessible here

In order to provide free services and ensure independence, EurActiv's services are financed from four sources: corporate sponsoring, EurActor membership, online advertising and EU projects.

EurActiv's CrossLingual network is sponsored by Visa Europe, the European Year of Creativity and Innovation and the European Commission’s Small Business Act / SME week campaigns. General sponsors of are: CEFIC, Honeywell, ExxonMobil, TNS, INRIA, Enel, Syngenta, Veolia and the Nickel Institute. Section sponsors of are: Air France/FNAM, Dow, Nike, IBM, Kellen Europe and the European Publishers Council. Further supporters include: Shell, McKinsey & Company and Organisation International de la Francophonie. EurActiv also has 60 “content partners” (NGOs & think tanks) as well as ca. 500 “contributors”, providing their policy positions for free publication, up to the editorial team. Input welcome:

EurActiv content extracts can be re-used freely by other media, subject to clear attribution, and copy sent to


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