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Arrest Warrant: European Arrest Warrant an essential tool for the future. Oana Antonescu MEP, Salvatore Iacolino MEP and Axel Voss MEP


Thu, 06/09/2011


EU Priorities 2020

"The European Arrest Warrant is an excellent way to combat cross-border crimes. It has already proven its effectiveness - we now have to ensure proportionality. There are still certain problems related to its operational use. Further strengthening of procedural safeguards is crucial in ensuring fundamental rights are respected across the EU. Consequently, I ask the Commission what proposals are going to be put forward in order to ensure the proper handling of this common European tool", said Oana Antonescu MEP, who co-signed the Oral Questions to the Commission and the Council presented today during the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg.

"The European Arrest Warrant has to be correlated with the actual activation of a European Public Prosecutor as a control room for the evaluation of the measures, also in coordination with the Public Prosecutors of the Member States", said Salvatore Iacolino MEP, Vice-Chairman of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) of the European Parliament.

Regarding today's debate on the European Arrest Warrant, Axel Voss MEP said: "The European Arrest Warrant has been proven as a useful tool in a Europe with open borders but it has sometimes been used in cases for which it was not intended, with deep consequences on several occasions for the lives of the persons concerned or in an disproportionate manner."

"It is high time to reform a system that affects thousands of people every year, if only to reduce costs and administrative burdens that have been exorbitant over the past years. The commitment to the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and fair trial principles must be better considered in future. There is a need for improvement."

Oral Question to the Council on the European Arrest Warrant
Oral Question to the Commission on the European Arrest Warrant

For further information:
Elena Oana ANTONESCU MEP, Tel: +33-3-88-175107
Salvatore IACOLINO MEP, Tel: +33-3-88-175193
Axel VOSS MEP, Tel: +33-3-88-175302
Eugen Sandu, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-472-547584
Francesco Frapiccini, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-473-941652
Thomas Bickl, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-478-215372


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