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Albania: Socialist leader Edi Rama should fight in the Parliament, not in the streets. Elmar Brok MEP


Tue, 01/25/2011


Global Europe

After a demonstration in Tirana turned violent last Friday, resulting in the deaths of several citizens, Elmar Brok, EPP Group spokesman on foreign affairs, calls on the Socialist leader Edi Rama to end the political fight on the streets and take it back to the Albanian Parliament. Speaking during a press conference before a demonstration which he organised, Rama stated that he would have no control over the crowd, rejecting any responsibility for the occurrence of violence.

The reason for this confrontation is a result of Rama's rejection of the outcome of the parliamentary elections of June 2009, although the OSCE considered these election as free and fair. "Rama should end his destructive role which he displayed with his call for the demonstration last Friday and instead fulfil his task as leader of the opposition in a parliamentary system by controlling the government in a responsible manner", demanded Elmar Brok.

The planning and development of the demonstration on Friday, as well as the violence by the protestors and by the police should be investigated by a parliamentary inquiry committee under the responsibility of both party leaderships, rather than allowing the situation to worsen and escalate out of control.

(Translation from the original German)

For further information:
Elmar BROK MEP, Tel: +32-2-2845323
Lasse Boehm, EPP Group Press & Communications Service, Tel: +32-484-656897

Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 265 Members.