9th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
18th November 2009, Parliament of Belgium, Brussels
DECLARATION OF BRUSSELS 2009 on “Moving towards a sustainable energy system in Europe” EUFORES,
-having regard to its Budapest Declaration 2008
-having regard to its Berlin Declaration 2007
-having regard to its Edinburgh Declaration 2005
-having regard to its Athens Declaration 2003
-having regard to its Santiago de Compostela Declaration 2002
-having regard to its Madeira Declaration 2000
-having regard to the Madrid Declaration 1994
A. whereas Europe is facing an economic crisis, which will inevitably affect the real economy and particularly affect the poorest households; whereas energy poverty is likely to grow;
B. whereas climate change still remains the biggest threat facing mankind today;
C. whereas the EU`s dependency on fossil and nuclear energy and on a limited number of energy producers is a serious risk to its stability and prosperity;
D. whereas energy efficiency has a crucial role to play in reducing the EU`s dependency on energy imports, in enforcing competitiveness and in limiting the effects of climate change;
E. whereas only a truly transparent and liberalised market with independent grid operators can favour the integration of renewable energy into a pan-European smart grid;
General remarks
1. Considers it as crucial that particularly in these times of an economic crisis energy efficiency measures and renewable energy be supported; is convinced that investing in improved energy efficiency and turning to energy from renewable sources will reduce Europe´s energy bill and import dependency and have positive impacts on job creation
and economic growth in Europe; emphasises energy efficiency and renewable energy measures as the engines out of the current crisis;
2. Underlines in this regard the utmost importance of a successful post-Kyoto protocol to be agreed in Copenhagen;
3. Stresses that a growing number of EU citizens are unable to afford their energy bills and that vulnerable customers, including the elderly, disabled and low income families, are those most affected; fears that, as a consequence of the economic crisis, energy poverty is likely to grow in Europe;
4. Underlines that energy efficiency reduces the overall demand for energy and that therefore renewable energy and energy efficiency always have to be considered jointly;
5. Believes that a clear shift of Europe's energy supply from an energy wasting fossil fuelsbased economy to an energy efficient renewable energy-based economy is vital to
secure Europe's energy supply;
6. Underlines that energy prices for conventional fuels still do not reflect the ecological truth; therefore calls for a transparent and fair pricing of all energy and other natural resources by internalising external – in particular social and ecological - costs gradually and over time;
7. Urges for proper and immediate implementation of existing legislation on energy efficiency and renewable energy; underlines that ambitious legislation will remain
meaningless without the strong commitment of national, regional and local stakeholders, coherence between those stakeholders and clear implementation on the ground;
8. Underlines the importance of the Covenant of Mayors and its ambition to go beyond the EU`s 20-20-20 in 2020 commitment; invites the Covenant of Mayors for an intensified exchange of views and a stronger collaboration with us, the Members of Parliaments;
9. Calls for the inclusion of common renewable energy and energy efficiency targets in combination with principal environmental, water and human security aims into the
“Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean”; emphasizes that this could enhance cooperation in the areas of renewable energy and human security in the Mediterranean
Click here to access the entire document: http://www.eufores.org/fileadmin/eufores/Events/IPMs/IPM_9_Brussels/EUFORE...