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18 Mar 2008



Three years after its official launch, Cedefop’s Europass website has reached 10 million visits, with over 2,5 million Europass Curricula Vitae completed online.
Developed by the European Commission and Cedefop, Europass aims at making citizens' skills and qualifications clearly understood on the labour market and in education and training across Europe.

The Europass website ( is available in 26 languages and addresses half a billion citizens in 32 European countries.
Europass consists of five documents:
the Curriculum Vitae (CV) gives an overview of personal skills, including those acquired on the job or during leisure time;
the Language Passport offers a self-assessment of language skills using standardised levels;
the Europass Mobility records work and education experiences in other European countries;
the Certificate Supplement describes the content of vocational qualifications (entry requirements, skills acquired, level, certification);
the Diploma Supplement lists the achievements of holders of diploma or degrees (level, topics, grades).
The Europass Curriculum vitae and Language Passport are completed by the users themselves; the three other documents (Europass Mobility, Certificate Supplement and Diploma Supplement) are issued by competent organisations.
The relevance of Europass to European citizens is clearly shown by the figures:
2.5 million CVs have been completed online, using Cedefop's tutorials;
10 million documents have been downloaded (of which 2.5 million are CV templates);
over 90,000 Europass Mobility documents have been issued to date;
over 15,000 visits a day are recorded on the Europass website.

Head office: Europe 123, GR-57001 Thessaloniki • Postal address: PO Box 22427, GR-55102 Thessaloniki • Τel. (30) 23 10 49 01 11 • Fax (30) 23 10 49 00 49

Brussels office: c/o European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Tour Madou, 4th floor, Office 67-68, B-1049 Brussels • Tel. (32-2) 299 10 93 • Fax (32-2) 292
18 91 • E-mail:

The success of Europass is due to the close cooperation between the European Commission, which is responsible of the overall Europass project, Cedefop, and the National Europass Centres, in charge of implementation in participating countries.

For more information:
Philippe Tissot, project manager
Tel. (30) 2310 49 01 10

Press office
Ioánna Nezi
Tel. (30) 2310 49 01 86

Simon Bensasson
Tel. (30) 2310 49 01 23

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training is a European Union agency. Based in Thessaloniki, Greece, it supports European policy-making in the field of vocational education and training.


European Institute of Peace
Research Consultants
International Association for Democracy (IAD)
Lobbying Officer (voluntary)
European Food Banks Federation
Head of ​Fundraising and Partnerships​​
European Affairs Consulting Group (Eacon)
EU Public Affairs Trainee
International Commission of Jurists - European Institutions
Programme Manager
Terre des Hommes International Federation
Child and Youth Participation Advisor (Environment & Climate)
KIOS Foundation
Team leader
European Parliament, office of MEP Siegfried Mureșan
Accredited Parliamentary Assistant, office of MEP Siegfried Mureșan