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CLEPA Press Release in support of the Commission’s European Recovery Action Plan

Brussels, 28/11/2008

CLEPA Press Release in support of the Commission’s European Recovery Action Plan

CLEPA welcomes the European Recovery Action Plan presented by Commission President
Barroso on 26 November. This timely and concise strategy comes at a moment of
unparalleled economic difficulties and offers European industries and businesses support in
difficult times.



Brussels, 28 November 2008 – The Association of Commercial Television in Europe

(ACT) representing the interests of the commercial broadcasting sector in Europe
welcomes the political agreement reached by the Telecommunications Council
yesterday on the widely discussed Electronic Communications Package. The Package
was presented by the European Commission in 2007 to update the telecommunications

Final agreement does not address the NGN challenge


EU Telecoms Council – Brussels, 27 November

Final agreement does not address the NGN challenge  

BRUSSELS – ETNO, who represents the main investors in tomorrow’s networks and services, is very disappointed that
the final agreement does not address the investment challenge. ETNO notes however that a great number of EU Member
States at the EU Telecoms Council today insisted on the need to encourage risky investment in NGN access networks.

Legal action against Bulgaria over nature protection laws

Legal action against Bulgaria over nature protection laws

European Commission opens legal procedure for insufficient protection of Black Sea coast
Brussels, 27 November 2008 – The European Commission took a strong stance today by
officially opening a legal infringement procedure [1] against Bulgaria for failing to
implement the EU Birds Directive [2]. The Bulgarian government has recently agreed to a
very large number of developments that are likely to do significant harm to the unique

Investment in public transport should form part of EU economic recovery plan

Investment in public transport should form part of EU economic recovery plan

The EU Committee of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) today addressed a letter to the
President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the College of Commissioners urging them to include
urban and suburban public transport networks in the transport infrastructure investments which are to form part of
the European economic recovery plan due to be unveiled tomorrow.

Will the Commission let the WEEE and RoHS proposals undermine its European Economic Recovery Plan?

Press Information

Brussels, 26 November 2008

Will the Commission let the WEEE and RoHS proposals undermine its European Economic Recovery Plan?

Orgalime welcomes the Commission’s adoption today of a European Economic Recovery Plan to support the real economy.

Orgalime expresses relief as BHP Billiton abandon bid for rival Rio Tinto

Press Information

Brussels, 25 November 2008

Orgalime expresses relief as BHP Billiton abandon bid for rival Rio Tinto

“We are relieved, as the merger would have reduced competition in the market for raw materials, particularly iron ore and have a considerable impact on the industry we represent” said Adrian Harris, Secretary General of Orgalime, the European engineering industries association.

Now is really the time to take initiatives for growth and jobs

Press Information

Brussels, 17 November 2008

Now is really the time to take initiatives for growth and jobs

After several excellent years, with a strong expansion for European engineering, prospects for the coming year are somewhat bleak. Apart from the expected and usual cyclical slowdown that started in the last year, the recent global financial turbulence is beginning to have an impact on the demand of both capital goods and consumer durables manufactured by the industry.

FEFCO’s 15th Technical Seminar
For the first time ever, FEFCO’s 15th Technical Seminar will be held at the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin

Brussels, 26 November 2008 - FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) is pleased to

announce that its forthcoming Technical Seminar will be held at the Estrel Convention Centre in Berlin,

Germany from 6 to 8 May 2009 after 14th successful editions in Nice (France).

COGEN Europe (Poznan): An integrated energy policy is needed to deliver an integrated, low carbon, energy solution

An integrated energy policy is needed to deliver an integrated, low carbon, energy solution Press Release 26

November 2008

On December 5th at the Trade Centre in Poznan, COGEN Europe highlights the urgent need to develop an Energy

Integration Policy. Launching the Energy Integration Project during the “Econcern Sustainable Energy Event”,

COGEN Europe will outline the challenges already understood from integration in the real world of cogeneration and


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