An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

Nuclear energy in France: An unhealthy glow: new study dispels French nuclear myths

A study – commissioned by the Greens/EFA Group and published today – has revealed some home truths behind the glossy image marketed by the French nuclear industry. Claims about nuclear energy's credentials for climate protection and energy independence in particular are exposed as myths. At the presentation of the study, German Green MEP and energy spokesperson Rebecca Harms commented:

PES Manifesto: “People first, A new direction for Europe”

1 December 2008

Today the leaders of Europe’s social democratic and socialist parties adopted the PES manifesto for the 2009

European elections.

The PES manifesto “People first: A new direction for Europe” features over 60 concrete proposals including

- A European strategy for smart green growth to create 10 million new jobs by 2020
- New financial market regulation covering all players including hedge funds and private equity

Liberal leaders gather in Brussels

The highest level network of the European liberal and democrats will meet on Thursday 11th December 2008 at the Palais d'Egmont, Petit Sablon 8 in Brussels, to discuss the 2009 European elections as well as common actions for tackling the financial crisis and other current issues.

A press conference will take place from 14.30 to 15.00.Journalists interested in attending the press conference should contact Ms Chiara Puletti:, tel. +32.2.2370143 . Please, see below the list of participants who have already confirmed their attendance.

media consulta

MEDIA CONSULTA was founded in 1993 with the aim of making communication more efficient by intelligently integrating all disciplines. As far back as the early nineties we were pioneers in the field of integrated communication.


Brussels, 3 December 2008 – Commercial broadcasters and publishers from across Europe have joined forces in advance of tomorrow’s crucial meeting on the future of broadcasting between the European Commission and Member States to warn against any further dilution of European rules for state aid to public broadcasters. The European Commission presented its Communication on the 2001 Broadcasting Communication on 4 November 2008 and opened a public consultation asking for industry input until 15 January 2009.

Commissioner Verheugen presents the Raw Materials Initiative at the European Minerals Forum 2008

Commissioner Verheugen presents the Raw Materials Initiative at the European Minerals Forum 2008

The minerals sector welcomes the initiative and outlines plans for the European Minerals Day 2009

Brussels, 26 November 2008 – Today at the European Minerals Forum, Vice-President Verheugen, Commissioner for

Enterprise and Industry presented the Executive's integrated strategy that aims to secure and improve access to

raw materials for EU industry. IMA-Europe, the European Industrial Minerals Association, UEPG, the European

position of the Energy Intensive Industries Alliance and the Alliance for a Competitive European Industry

The European Industry Associations listed below, as individual members
of the Alliance for a Competitive European Industry and the Alliance of
Energy Intensive Industries, support the overall EU Climate Change
objective and call for a workable EU ETS that maintains the
competitiveness of their sectors.

They urge the EU Institutions to include
the following provisions:
The EU ETS Directive recognises the need to identify through criteria the energy
intensive sectors exposed to international competition, as well as potential

eBusiness Interoperability conference - Utrecht 8 and 9


There are still spaces available for the conference presented by the
eBusiness Interoperability Forum (eBIF). The theme is 'e-Business
interoperability practice: examples, impacts and standardization

CEN, in collaboration with Equens, NEN, and ECP.NL, invites you to the 4th eBIF
Conference. This conference will address interoperability practice, showing
examples, impacts, interoperability challenges, and present some ideas on the
future landscape of eBusiness.

Une initiative européenne pour les actes authentiques :un projet au service des citoyens et des entreprises

Le Parlement européen a organisé ce mardi 2 décembre un forum sur la coopération judiciaire en matière civile, en
collaboration avec la présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne. A cette occasion, le Conseil des
Notariats de l’Union Européenne (CNUE), en la personne de son président Me Juan Bolás Alfonso, a présenté les

Europe’s farmland birds continue to suffer from agricultural policy


Europe’s farmland birds continue to suffer from agricultural policy

- EU unlikely to meet its 2010 biodiversity target- Brussels and Prague, 2 December 2008 – According to the latest data from the EuropeanBird Census Council (EBCC) and BirdLife International, many of Europe’s formerly “common” farmland birds continue to suffer from the effects of agricultural intensification.


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