An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

Commission waves a red WEEE/RoHS flag under industry noses.

In its session this Wednesday, the College of Commissioners has adopted proposed amendments on two core legislative instruments affecting European manufacturers of electrical and electronic appliances, namely the Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and a Directive on substance restrictions in such appliances

EU poisoning Poznan climate talks

Failure after failure: European governments lose credibility on climate change
Brussels, 4 December 2008 – The NGO-Partnership of BirdLife International is alarmed by a series of recent EU decisions undermining Europe’s leadership and credibility on climate change.

Council of European Municipalities and Regions

The Council of European Municipalities was founded in Geneva in 1951 by a group of European mayors; later, it opened its ranks to the regions and became the Council of European Municipalities and Regions. Today, it is the largest organisation of local and regional government in Europe; its members are over 50 national associations of towns, municipalities and regions from 39 countries.

EBU - European Broadcasting Union

HRW - Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse.


The EPP President, Wilfried Martens, has today welcomed the formation of the new coalition Government in Austria, which includes the Austrian People’s Party, a member of the EPP.

In particular, Martens congratulated Josef Proell, acting Chairman of the party, who became Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister, taking over from Wilhelm Molterer.

CSR Europe launches toolbox for responsible business

Brussels, 4 December 2008 – The 80 member companies of CSR Europe launch today a Toolbox for a Competitive and Responsible Europe at its ‘Equipped for CSR’ event in Brussels. Keynote speeches will be held by European Commissioners Günter Verheugen and Vladimir Spidla who stress that the European Commission sees CSR of crucial importance for a competitive and sustainable Europe. This event links practical tools for responsible business with these strategic European goals.

AGEP Association Management

AGEP is one of Brussels' most established and respected association management companies, providing flexible, tailored services to a wide range of trade associations.

eBusiness Interoperability conference - Utrecht 8 and 9 December

There are still spaces available for the conference presented by the
eBusiness Interoperability Forum (eBIF). The theme is 'e-Business
interoperability practice: examples, impacts and standardization

CEN, in collaboration with Equens, NEN, and ECP.NL, invites you to the 4th eBIF
Conference. This conference will address interoperability practice, showing
examples, impacts, interoperability challenges, and present some ideas on the
future landscape of eBusiness.

The Independent Trade Unions CESI and EUROFEDOP agreed upon a joint future

The European Union of Independent trade Unions (CESI) and the European Federation of employees in the public sector

(EUROFEDOP) have paved the path for a joint future.  On the 1st December 2008 in the CESI´s Congress EUROFEDOP - a European umbrella organization of about 1 million workers- became a registered member of CESI.

The CESI´s General Secretary, Helmut Müllers, marked this day as historic for independent trade unions all over Europe.


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