An easy way of publishing your relevant EU press releases.

European Parliament negotiators close deal with Council on climate change package

Liberals and Democrats salute the efforts of all sides to conclude a deal on the three remaining elements of the climate change/energy package proposed by the Commission at the beginning of the year as a means for European Union countries to meet their commitments to reducing carbon emissions and the impact on global warming. Agreement on renewable energies was already concluded earlier in the week.

ALDE launches civil liberties campaign

All measures to encroach on our freedoms are currently justified with the argument that they promote citizens' security.

Upcoming plenary vote on the Working Time Directive

Joint letter from European employer and business organisations, BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP, UEAPME and EUROCHAMBRES, regarding your upcoming plenary vote on the Working Time Directive.

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

We write to you concerning the Working Time Directive on which the European Parliament plenary will vote on 17 December.

Liberal summit: "Climate package must be maintained"

European liberal Democrats from all over Europe gathered for the biannual ELDR meeting reached a common position on the bloc's ambitious climate change and energy 'package' of legislation on the eve of a two-day EU summit.

"The main commitment in the climate and energy package must be maintained", reiterated Annemie Neyts, ELDR party president, opening the summit. "We do not want to scale down the targets", she added.

Commission proposal will improve quality of rail freight

Press Release 11.12.2008

Europe’s independent rail infrastructure managers welcome the publication of a proposal for a regulation on competitive rail freight by the European Commission today, 11 December. By ensuring the use of market principles and a bottom‐up approach, the proposed new rules will help to improve the quality and reliability of rail freight.

CEN and CENELEC join forces on ICT standards

PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release -

CEN and CENELEC, the European Standardization Organizations, have combined efforts to develop a common approach to ICT standards issues.
Brussels (11 December 2008) – CEN, The European Committee for Standardization, and CENELEC, The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, will be collaborating on their future standards work in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

FEFCO at Fruit Logistica (4 - 6 February 2009, Berlin)

For immediate release

FEFCO will demonstrate the benefits of corrugated packaging at
Fruit Logistica  

Brussels, 9 December 2008, FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) is pleased to announce that it will take part in this specialist trade for the first time with a 90 m2 stand located in Hall 5.2 where international growers and grower organisations will exhibit.

Heads of State and government must confirm the compromise on renewable energy!

On 9 December, the EU Council and the European Parliament reached a compromise on theproposal for a directive on the promotion of energy produced from renewable sources.

Pekka PESONEN, Secretary General of Copa and Cogeca, declared, “The compromise on theproposal for a directive on the promotion of energy produced from renewable sources is a clearsuccess of the integrated climate and energy policy. I would like to thank the negotiators from allthree institutions for their work.”

EU and US need to catch up after disappointing start in Poznan

Developing countries have made great strides in the last year in meeting the climate challenge but the EU and US need to inject new momentum after a disappointing start to the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, said GUE/NGL Members of the European Parliament Bairbre de Brún (Ireland) and Roberto Musacchio (Italy).


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Bundessteuerberaterkammer K.d.ö.R.
Policy Officer (m/f/d) European law and politics
Friends of the Earth Europe
Finance Officer
European Community Shipowners’ Associations ASBL
Data Analyst
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
PhD fellowship - EUBUSINESS project
European Liberal Forum
Finance Officer
PROFEL - European Association of Processed Fruit and Vegetables
Junior Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Manager
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
Finance Manager
European Liberal Forum
Senior Project and Compliance Officer
The Mainichi Newspapers
Assistant editor