Start: 29 May 2013 12:00
End: 29 May 2013 14:00
The Institute for European Studies, in collaboration with iMinds-SMIT (Studies on Media, Information and Telecommunication) and LSTS (Law, Science, Technology and Society Studies) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, kindly invites you to the Policy Forum "Open Data in the European Union" on 29 May at 12:00. This Policy Forum is the third and last session of a series of Data Talks.
- What is the Opening of Data and how is it used in and by public authorities in Europe?
- What are the concrete consequences and promises of opening up public data?
- How effective have European approaches been thus far?
- How are the broader principles of Open Data actually operationalized at the national and sub-national levels within the EU?
Open Data has been seen by the EU as one of the engines of economic growth, through the development of new, innovative and more structured uses of public data that has traditionally resided within the silos of various public administrations. However, one of the major challenges surrounding this principle is how it can actually be implemented at the national and sub-national levels, where legacy systems, privacy concerns and other barriers to opening up data are rife.
In this Policy Forum, academic and policy experts will focus on the principles of Open Data set out in the EU, questioning their effectiveness and feasibility. We have assembled the following panel:
- Geert Mareels, E-Government Manager at the Flemish Government
- Susie Ruston, Partner and Programme Manager at 21c Consultancy
- Andrew Stott, Member of the UK Public Sector Transparency Board and Expert Adviser to EU Citadel-on-the-Move Project
- Richard Swetenham, Adviser for Open Data at DG CNECT, European Commission
Registration & Venue
This Policy Forum "Open Data in the European Union" is the third session of Data Talks. The Policy Forum is conducted in English and is free of charge, but due to space limitations, registration is mandatory. Register online!
Institute for European Studies
Conference Room Rome
Karel Van Miert Building,
Pleinlaan 5,
1050 Brussels
(Map and Directions)
Jamal Shahin (Academic Coordinator)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Institute for European Studies
+32 2 614 8001
Kristof Rogge (Logistics)
Events Manager
Institute for European Studies
+32 2 614 81 99