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Airport Package: need for further discussion on ground handling to avoid proposals becoming lost luggage. Artur Zasada MEP


12 Dec 2012


EU Priorities 2020

Ground handling services to go back to Committee for further debate

"I am convinced that the European Parliament did the right thing by not rejecting the Commission's proposal on the liberalisation of ground handling services in EU airports. We can achieve a better result by pursuing discussions in committee, rather than rejecting it at first reading. This would have been a missed opportunity.


The Commission proposed a very limited liberalisation, from 2 to 3 providers, coupled with wide social improvements. I am in line with the Commission proposal on a further, careful opening of the market.


I am convinced that we will find a compromise which will be of benefit to the citizens and the aviation industry", said Artur Zasada MEP, Rapporteur on the ground handling services at Union airports.


Apart from referring the ground handling Report back to the Transport Committee, the European Parliament today approved two other dossiers from the so-called Airport Package - one on allocation of slots and the other on the introduction of noise-related restrictions at EU airports.


The EP Transport Committee has now two months to draw up a final Report on the ground handling package, with a possible first reading plenary vote to take place by summer 2013.


For further information:
Artur ZASADA MEP, Tel: +33-3-881-75795
Katarzyna Klaus, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-484-138359

Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members



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