GUE/NGL hails historic Palestine UN vote result
"U.N. non-member observer state status for Palestine was really needed in order to make progress with a two-state-solution to the Middle-East conflict," commented GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer. "It is crucial now that a stable armistice agreement is negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians to advance the peace process after the recent ceasefire."
The vote in the General Assembly was by simple majority, 97 out of 193 votes were needed to pass. 138 UN member states voted for, 41 abstained and 9 voted against the resolution.
GUE/NGL MEP Kyriacos
Triantaphyllides, a member of the Parliament's Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council, added:"The UNGA vote took place on a very symbolic day, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and we are celebrating this outcome which legitimises the wish of the Palestinians to have their own state. We believe this vote will act as a catalyst for the reunification of the Palestinian people and will lead to the resumption of direct negotiations to find a durable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict".
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