European industry associations acknowledge the strong encouragement for cogeneration in the European Commission’s legislative proposal on the Energy Efficiency Directive. The cogeneration measures in the new text signal a clear intention by the Commission to remove barriers and create a supportive environment for existing and new cogeneration operators, underpinning their investment certainty and the economic justification on the investment.
Cogeneration as a principal is far more widely deployable throughout the European economy than it currently is today. The new Directive addresses barriers with which the CHP operators have struggled for some time.
Industry associations: COGEN Europe, CIAA, CEPI and Cerame-Unie, fully support the Commission in identifying the need for priority of dispatch, increasing transparency across tariffs, priority of grid access and standardisation of grid connection for cogeneration. These are key business enablers creating a reasonable operating environment and a well structured “level playing field” for clean efficient cogenerators. By maintaining the methodology and the intention of the original CHP Directive 2004/08/EC, the new Directive provides continuity for existing and new investors which is welcomed by those planning and investing in energy efficiency for the long term.
We encourage the Council and the European Parliament to use the opportunity of the Energy Efficiency Directive to further improve the text and ensuring the wider adoption and use of cogeneration at the heart of Europe’s economy.
Signatories of this statement:
Fiona Riddoch Managing Director COGEN Europe Tel: +32 2 772 8290 Email: fiona.riddoch@cogeneurope.eu
Marco Mensink Energy & Environment Director CEPI Tel: +32 2 627 49 28 Email: m.mensik@cepi.org
Tove Larsson Director Environmental Affairs CIAA Tel: +32 2 5008753 Email: t.larsson@ciaa.eu
Renaud Batier Managing Director Cerame-Unie Tel: +32 2 808 38 80 Email: batier@cerameunie.eu |
COGEN Europe – The European association for the promotion of cogeneration. COGEN Europe is Europe’s umbrella organisation representing the interests of the cogeneration industry, users of the technology and promoting its benefits in the EU and the wider Europe. The association is backed by the key players in the industry including gas and electricity companies, ESCOs, equipment suppliers, consultancies, national promotion organisations, financial and other service companies. www.cogeneurope.eu
CIAA – Confederation of the Food and Drinks Industries in the EU. CIAA is the voice of the European food and drink industry – the largest manufacturing sector, major employer and exporter in the EU. CIAA’s mission is to represent the food and drink industries’ interests, at the level of European and international institutions, in order to contribute to the development of a legislative and economic framework addressing the competitiveness of industry, food quality and safety, consumer protection and respect for the environment. CIAA membership is made up of 26 national federations, including 3 observers, 26 European sector associations and 20 major food and drink companies. For more information on CIAA and its activities, visit: www.CIAA.eu
CEPI - The Confederation of European Paper Industries. CEPI is a Brussels-based non-profit making organisation regrouping the European pulp and paper industry and championing this industry’s achievements and the benefits of its products. Through its 19 member countries (17 European Union members plus Norway and Switzerland) CEPI represents some 700 pulp, paper and board producing companies across Europe, ranging from small and medium sized companies to multi-nationals, and 1020 pulp and paper mills. Together they represent 24% of world production. 94% of electricity produced on-site by the European paper industry is produced through CHP (combined heat and power). www.cepi.org
Cerame-Unie – European Ceramic Industry Association. Cerame-Unie is the voice of the European ceramic industry. As such, it represents at European level a wide range of products including abrasives, brick & roof tiles, clay pipes, wall & floor tiles, refractory products, sanitary ware, table & decorative ware and technical ceramics. It accounts for more than 220.000 direct employments and a turnover of € 28 billion within the EU. www.cerameunie.eu