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Wed, 12/15/2010


Justice & Home Affairs

ALDE is pleased with adoption of the directive on the European Protection Order in today's plenary session of the European Parliament.

"In a common space of freedom, security and justice, it is necessary to guarantee that the griesbeck90.jpgprotection given to one person in a member state is also applied in a continual manner to all other member states in which the person finds himself. This seems obvious today, as the logical extension of the construction of a European area of freedom and justice, and in the establishment of a truly European legal system" said Nathalie GRIESBECK (MoDem, France), shadow rapporteur for the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affaires.

BILBAO_90.jpgFor Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA (Partido Nacionalista Vasco, Espagne), shadow rapporteur for the Committee on Women´s Rights and Gender Equality, "this text will be particularly useful for the struggle regarding violence committed against women".  She regretted however that "the European Register of Protection Decisions was too bureaucratic" and that "the possibilities to explore cooperation between third countries had not really been explored".

For more information, please contact / Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter:
Corlett Neil - Tel: +32 2 284 20 77 Mob: +32 478 78 22 84
Terzi Federica - Tel: +32 2 283 23 24


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