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20 Oct 2010


Health & Consumers

On the occasion of the Belgian Presidency Conference on Chronic Diseases, HOPE, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, published today its report “The Chronic Patient: a clinical and managerial challenge”.

Chronic conditions are the most relevant issues among population and are likely to increase in the coming years. The number of chronic beds in hospitals has rapidly overcome the number of acute beds and the traditional patterns of care are being reviewed, in order to continue guaranteeing cost effectiveness and quality of care.

HOPE report discusses those new paradigms of healthcare delivery across Europe, and the way they ensure more effective care for patients and more efficient use of resources in the entire system.

Perceived as a cost driver in our healthcare system, chronic diseases are clinical and managerial challenges for hospitals and healthcare services in Europe.

« Chronic disease is the new frontier » stated Pascal Garel, chief executive of HOPE, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, at HOPE annual Agora.

 “The Chronic patient: a clinical and managerial challenge” was indeed the topic of the 2010 HOPE exchange programme as well as of the annual conference that concluding it in Copenhagen. Hundreds of health professionals involved in the management of hospitals and healthcare services were bringing back on this occasion the experience acquired during four weeks abroad.  HOPE report build on those experiences.

“The Chronic patient: a clinical and managerial challenge” is available on:

Pascal Garel


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