Political decisions in the framework of the Health Check must not weaken farmers’ incomes.
17 November 2008
Press Release
In view of the Council of Ministers’ meeting on 18 and 19 November which is proving a key stage
of the negotiations on the CAP Health Check, the Member Organisations of Copa are calling
upon agricultural ministers to exercise their know-how.
Given the market situation which is deteriorating particularly for the cereals and milk sectors,
the Presidents of Copa’s Member Organisations are asking Commission to act and especially to
use the market management tools needed for regulation.
The current situation shows how essential this regulation is for ensuring that supply is stable and
for limiting price volatility which is not good for anyone. Mr LEMETAYER recalled that the
Health Check must be a time for improving these tools instead of withdrawing them, as proposed
by the Commission, on the basis of price assumptions which do not reflect reality.
With a view to the key forthcoming debate at the Council of agriculture ministers on
18-19 November on the future of the dairy quota regime, the presidents of agricultural
organisations are alerting their ministers to the responsibilities they hold for the future of
producers’ incomes in this sector. A large number of agricultural organisations are still calling for
dairy quotas not to be increased if it compromises the delicate balance between the market and
producers’ survival. Given this context, it is clear that the Commission must review its outlook
for the development of the dairy markets, which has served as a basis for legal proposals, and lay
down a regular ‘rendezvous’ mechanism for decisions made by the Agriculture Council in order
to avoid major crises.
“Whilst we are in this unprecedented situation of lurching from one crisis to another; health,
food, financial and economic, European farmers are calling upon agriculture ministers not to add
a new crisis; that of European agricultural production. Farmers and European citizens would not
forgive them so easily,” stressed Mr Lemétayer.
For further information, please contact:
Pekka Pesonen
Secretary General
Tel: +32 2 287 27 22
Arnaud Petit
Senior Policy Advisor
Tel.: +32 2 287 27 03
Copa - Cogeca | European Farmers European Agri-Cooperatives
61, Rue de Trèves | B - 1040 Bruxelles | www.copa-cogeca.eu