FEDIOL Reaction to the ITRE vote on the Renewable Energy Directive III


Wed, 06/28/2023



Brussels, 28 June 2023 – FEDIOL applauds the decision to recognise the role of  crop-based biofuels in meeting the EU’s transport renewable energy target.  

Following the ITRE committee’s approval of the agreement reached between the co legislators on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III), FEDIOL is  satisfied that the agreement acknowledges the complementary and needed role  of crop-based biofuels in contributing to the EU’s transport renewable energy  mix. Crop-based biofuels are an immediate and cost-effective tool to reduce emissions in  the transport sector and will help reduce the EU’s dependence on fossil fuel imports as well  as support the EU’s energy security. We encourage Member States to make the most of  the benefits of sustainably produced crop-based biofuels, which also play an important part  in supporting agriculture and farmers’ incomes.  

Furthermore, the higher ambition for the transport sector, with the target of 14.5%  GHG intensity reduction or 29% renewable energy consumption, will allow sustainable  renewable energy sources to step up their contribution to the EU’s energy mix and therefore support the achievement of the EU’s climate goals.  

FEDIOL also welcomes the decision to reinstate the possibility for farmers to use NUTS II  values to calculate their GHG emission reductions, which will spare small and medium–size  farms the additional and disproportionate administrative burden that individual farm-based  calculations would have represented. To make this provision meaningful, we urge the  Member States and the Commission to proactively ensure that such values are submitted  and approved under RED III.  

Overall, the reviewed Directive sends a positive signal for accelerating the decarbonisation  of the transport sector and delivers this under a stable and reliable framework. FEDIOL  therefore calls on the European Parliament and Council to endorse this satisfactory  agreement. 


FEDIOL represents the interests of the European vegetable oil and protein meal  industry. With over 180 facilities in Europe, the sector provides over 20.000 direct  employments. Our members process approximately 55 million tonnes of basic products a  year for the food and non-food markets. Oilseed crushing produces vegetable oils and  protein meals as co-products. While vegetable oils are used for food and technical uses  (pharmaceuticals, paints, detergents, biodiesel, etc.), protein meals are used to meet the  increasing global demand for meat and protein. For further information, please contact  Nathalie Lecocq, FEDIOL Director General, fediol@fediol.eu


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