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European Think Tank COMMZLab wins Political Website of the Year in Washington’s ‘Oscars of Politics’


Fri, 11/19/2021


Innovation & Enterprise

Washington DC, 18 November 2021,

European Think Tank COMMZLab was announced as the winner of the 2021 Napolitan Victory Awards in the category ‘Political Website of the Year‘. The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences (WAPAS), who hosts the distinguished ceremony, also nominated the Think Tank in the ‘Political Innovation of the Year‘ category. 

The Napolitans Victory Awards are considered the most prestigious and coveted awards in political communication, and are recognised by international media as the, ‘Oscars of Politics’.

The award recognizes COMMZLab’s mission of putting public service back at the centre of the communications of public administrations, and its work in helping them improve their relationship with society.

For Max Sattonnay, communications strategist and co-founder of COMMZLab:

‘In a tense political debate, it can be hard for local governments to cut through the noise and understand what citizens are really interested in; and which topic will engage them.

With the right data, could we make a channel like Facebook become the support of a new kind of public service?‘

COMMZLab uses big data and a proprietary algorithm to audit the quality of the communications of public administrations in order to recognise patterns in data and identify good practices in how to improve the communication between the citizens and the representatives they elect.

The Think Tank mixes public data extracted from the official social media accounts of the public administrations with statistical data that allow for the mitigation of the influence of the environment in which the public administrations operate.

More about the 2021 Napolitan Victory Awards:

Other winners of the Napolitans this year include, top campaign advisers at the highest level, such as Jennifer O'Malley Dillon (Campaign Manager of the Year) and Rob Flaherty (Consultant of the Year: On a Digital Campaign), who were key for the triumph of the current President of the United States of America, Joe Biden.


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