EU Industrial Strategy: only successful in a genuine European effort
Putting competitiveness at the heart of the European Commission’s industrial strategy is a step forward to job and wealth creation eventually sustaining social Europe.
Europe is the cradle of industry and has an unparalleled industrial base. Companies of different sizes lead innovation and create jobs. With today’s presented strategy they are getting the attention and support they ought to have.
Europe, Member States & industry: a successful combination
If done properly with member states’ commitment and industry’s involvement, the #EUIndustrialStrategy presented today will open a new chapter of the EU’s success story as the strategy will boost the digital transformation of industry across all regions. The creation of one-stop-shops to enforce the Single Market and tackle cross border trade.
It is fair to say that Europe needs strong businesses if it is to be economically and technically sovereign. For this to happen, industry needs support in going green and thriving in the digital world.
This requires the biggest single market in the world to transform into a seamless digital single market. Particularly as Europe’s industry has to remain competitive in times of uncertainty and growing global competition.
Outlining a vision: 10 Point Plan for a competitive industry sustaining social Europe
In Ceemet’s 10 Point Plan for a competitive industry sustaining social Europe, the European employers of the tech & industry sector outline a vision built around 10 points to unlock the full potential of the EU. Ceemet Vice-President, Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink, introduced that insight into the High-Level Roundtable Industrial Policy 2030, of which she was member.
Europe’s entrepreneurs have the capability to successfully manage the big and disruptive challenges. Understood - and being integrated - as European project, it sets sail for a more sustainable creation of growth and prosperity, fitting within the goals set of the EU Green Deal.
A just industrial digital transition can only be successful in a joint effort of industry, workforce and governments. The renewed focus on skills is reassuring as European policy-maker acknowledge the existing gap and is an effort to close it.
Whatever the strategy, every plan needs to be financed. Therefore, Europe needs to be financially equipped to play in the global top league. European metal, engineering and tech-based industries are waiting for the next a multiannual financial framework to be adopted swiftly and not be sacrificed to national interests. Business and private investment need reliable, enticing framework conditions.
The Commission is sending the right signals and makes a clear statement on the importance of international competitiveness of the industry. The creation of an 'industrial forum' to consult stakeholders and adjust the EU industrial strategy is a good tool to keep the temperature of what is going on in the ‘ecosystems’, as Commission’s Executive Vice President Margarethe Vestager called it.
Now, the Commission has to act accordingly and move swiftly on by providing the details on the policy package, that will have to follow, and think of new approaches on the way it regulates and implement agreed policies.