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2020 European Kidney Forum - ‘A Shared Vision for Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation in the EU Beyond 2020’


Wed, 03/11/2020


Health & Consumers
High-level policy meeting held under the sponsorship of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The European Kidney Health Forum today calls for renewed political momentum to optimise donation and transplantation of organs in Europe.

EKHA President, Ray Vanholder, introduced the Forum:

‘Transplantation saves, extends and improves lives. Over the period of the EU’s Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation 2009-15, total number of organ transplants increased by 17%. Living donors increased by 29.5% and deceased donors by 12%. However there are still substantial and unacceptable discrepancies in transplantation rates throughout Europe’

EKHA led the EU’s Thematic Network on Organ Donation and Transplantation which, last year, published a Joint Statement setting out policy calls and recommendations as part of a joint vision for the coming decade.

“We now need to collectively take these actions forward”, said Vanholder.

Organ donation and transplantation is a priority of the Croatian Presidency of the EU which will hold a Ministerial meeting on the subject on March 16-17 in Zagreb, Croatia. It is anticipated that such high-level discourse will mobilise political will at national level to identify shared priorities, strengthen capacities and coordinate efforts and actions to successfully respond to common and emerging challenges in this field of public health.

Amongst the recommendations discussed at the Forum were education and training, optimising the organisation of programmes at national and EU level, health economic aspects and societal challenges.

The Forum was supported by Astellas, Hansa Biopharma, Baxter, CSL Behring, B Braun and Vifor Fresenius Medical Care

Notes to editors:

About the European Kidney Health Alliance

EKHA is a common effort by stakeholders to propose solutions for the challenges of Chronic Kidney Disease in Europe through effective prevention and a more efficient care pathway intended to facilitate the provision ofappropriate and affordable treatment to all Europeans equally, while promoting the highest quality of care. EKHA works on the principle that the issue of kidney health and disease must be considered at European level and that both the European Commission and European Parliament have vital roles to play in assisting national governments with these challenges.

EKHA Media Queries

Marine Faure

European Kidney Health Alliance

Tel: +32 483 56 14 79