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Eurogas supports climate neutrality goals outlined by new EU Commission President von der Leyen


Wed, 07/17/2019


Climate & Environment
Brussels, 17 July 2019 – Climate plans announced by the newly elected EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen must develop the right regulatory framework for the development of renewable and decarbonised gas.
Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: ‘The gas sector supports the EU’s 2050 carbon neutrality ambitions and looks forward to working with the new European Commission to support the delivery of the decarbonisation of the EU energy mix. It is encouraging that the new EU Commission President recognises the importance of addressing the energy transition and puts it at the top of her political agenda. We hope that President von der Leyen will oversee the development of targets for renewable and decarbonised gas in the near future.’
He continued ‘It is important that this Commission sets up the policy framework that can deliver the innovative gas technologies, such as power-to-gas, CCS and biomethane, which can help the EU to reach its climate targets in a cost effective and publicly acceptable way. It is crucial that the energy transition is delivered with as much public support as possible and utilising the existing gas infrastructure is a perfect way to reduce the disruption of European citizens daily lives as we travel through the energy transition.’