Joint CEN/TC 312 ‘ Thermal solar systems and components’ and Solar Heat Europe/ESTIF workshop on Next generation of CEN/TC 321 ‘Solar Thermal’ standards
On the occasion of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, CEN/TC 312 'Thermal solar systems and components' and Solar Heat Europe/ESTIF, the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation, jointly organize a workshop dedicated to the topic “Next generation of CEN/TC 312 ‘Solar Thermal’ Standards”.
The workshop aims at responding to an identified need within the solar thermal sector: defining a strategy for standardization and certification in the solar heating and cooling sector which is in line with the current reality and future challenges that the solar thermal sector in particular, and the renewable heating and cooling sector in general, will face all over the coming years.
Building on the achievements in terms of standardization and certification over the last decades, it is necessary to debate what the current and future needs of the sector are and how they will be reflected on in terms of standardization and certification activities to enhance the competitiveness of our industry. Standardization and certification activities are a smart investment for solar thermal companies and represent an important competitiveness factor in several markets, be it in Europe or beyond. Furthermore, they are increasingly relevant vis-à-vis existing Commission Regulations, such as energy labelling, energy performance of buildings and the Solar Keymark. As such, these standards are not only relevant regarding the competition within the solar thermal sector, but also within the framework of the competition between different heating and cooling technologies.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact the TC/312 ‘Thermal solar systems and components’ secretary Mrs Vassiliki Drosou.