NNWE comment on UK’s exit from Euratom


Fri, 01/27/2017




NNWE comment on UK’s exit from Euratom

Commenting on the news that Brexit will trigger the UK’s exit from the Euratom Treaty, Tim Yeo, Chairman of New Nuclear Watch Europe (NNWE), said: “It is vital that the UK’s exit from the Euratom Treaty should in no way weaken the UK’s commitment to a continuing role for nuclear in the UK’s energy mix. I urge government to confirm its position and remove any uncertainty that could undermine the much-needed nuclear new build programme. The government must also prioritise action to prevent Brexit from raising the cost of building new nuclear plant in Britain.

“In recent months, NNWE has called for consideration of a new architecture for international nuclear cooperation. The twin aims of greater energy security and a clearer path to a low carbon future could be best served by creating a pro-nuclear club of countries comprising EU member states and neighbouring countries.

“It is important to facilitate cooperation between, what will become, the EU 27 and neighbouring pro-nuclear countries such as Britain, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia”.


For more information, please contact:

Melanie Wedgbury

T: +44 (0)7734 793279

E: mel@newnuclerwatch.eu


Edmund Gavaghan

T: +44 (0)7714 283858

E: contact@newnuclerwatch.eu





Notes to Editors

1. NNWE was founded at the end of 2014 to help ensure nuclear power is recognised as an important and desirable way for European governments to provide affordable, secure, low carbon energy and help to meet the long-term energy needs of their citizens.

2. Membership of NNWE is open to all companies, individuals and organisations active in the nuclear industry including those involved in the supply chain. More information is available at www.newnuclearwatch.eu

3. Tim Yeo is Chair of New Nuclear Watch Europe and the University of Sheffield Industrial Advisory Board for the Energy 2050 initiative. He is a former Shadow Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and was Chair of the Environmental Audit Select Committee from 2005-2010 and then Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee from 2010-2015.

4. The Nuclear Energy Policy Forum, organised by NNWE, aims to shine a spotlight on the critical challenges facing the European nuclear industry. 


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