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Three ICS Companies Join BSCI as Cooperation Continues Between the Social Compliance Initiatives


Wed, 12/21/2016


Trade & Society


Three ICS Companies Join BSCI as Cooperation Continues Between the Social Compliance Initiatives


Brussels, 20 December 2016 – The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) — supporting Over 1,900 retail, brand, importing companies and national associations to improve working Conditions in factories and farms worldwide — and Initiative Clause Sociale (ICS) — representing 20 major French and Belgian retailers working to improve social compliance in global supply chains — are moving towards the final stages of completing their cooperation agreement, announced in April 2015.

No merger between the two organisations is foreseen for January 2017, however, close collaboration continues and will function through the three ICS members that will now also become members of BSCI: Carrefour, Casino and Galeries Lafayette.

Joining BSCI’s latest members, Colruyt Group has decided to use BSCI as its single social management system from 1 January 2017.

The measures detailed in the cooperation agreement remain relevant and tangible goals for the BSCI system, auditing and capacity building services. BSCI will therefore continue in the implementation of these measures, before June 2017. The addition of three new joint members will bring a valuable contribution to the dialogue between both initiatives.

Christian Ewert, Director General of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), the umbrella organisation of BSCI, said: “FTA extends a warm welcome to our three newest members and looks forward to their active collaboration in meeting our goal of full implementation of the cooperation agreement. We have every confidence that once adopted and implemented, the discussed measures will continue to contribute to the consolidation of our efforts towards driving social compliance within global value chains.”

For further information, please contact:

Stephanie Luong FTA Head of Communications  Tel: +32 2 741 64 09

Carole Hommey ICS Coordinator  Tel: +33 6 89 42 20 90

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a business-driven initiative that supports over 1,900 retailers, importers and brand companies to improve working conditions in factories and farms worldwide. BSCI offers companies, from multinationals to SMEs, one common Code of Conduct and a holistic system towards social compliance in the supply chain applicable to all sectors and sourcing countries. BSCI is an initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), a leading business association of European and international commerce that promotes the values of free trade and sustainable supply chains. /

Initiative Clause Sociale (ICS) was created under the auspice of French Federation of Commerce and Distribution (FCD). ICS is a work group that provides its members with shared tools for implementing their social audit programmes, enabling joint management of suppliers and preventing duplicate audits. Today, the initiative has 20 active members. Members of ICS work together to sustainably improve working conditions in their supply chain and support responsible suppliers, to make them agents of their progressive approach.


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