LNG strategy: easing dependency through diversification


Tue, 10/25/2016



"We need to establish an internal energy market which fully integrates liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas storage. It will play a significant role in achieving the ultimate objective of a resilient Energy Union", said András Gyürk MEP after the European Parliament adopted his initiative Report on the strategy on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and natural gas storage. LNG and gas storage are part of the European Commission’s winter energy package presented in February 2016.

András Gyürk underlined that important EPP Group goals have been advanced in the Report: the promotion of competition in the sector, more affordable energy prices and the security of energy supply through flexibility while at the same time safeguarding sustainability.

"Completing the missing gas infrastructure is essential for maximising the use of the existing LNG terminals and gas storages. We need to invest smartly in order to prevent us from over-investment", said Gyürk.

LNG offers an alternative source of energy supply diversification for some Member States.

András Gyürk also expressed concern at the proposed doubling of the capacity of the Nord Stream pipeline which runs from Russia to Germany in the Baltic Sea: "The Nord Stream 2 project runs contrary to the underlying principles of a fully integrated, secure, competitive and sustainable Energy Union. If it is built, the importance of enabling access to LNG terminals and completing the North-South Gas Corridor in central and south-eastern Europe will significantly increase."


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