Poverty and inequality is a threat to both people and democracy!
Thu, 05/22/2014
Social Europe & Jobs
All over Europe we are witnessing a steady and alarming rise in the number of people living in poverty, many of whom become excluded from our communities. Poverty not only destroys lives but threatens the foundations of democracies in Europe, since the challenges are not prioritized with too little action by politicians. For that reason people are really losing faith in political systems and politicians.
Caritas Europa is determined to fight poverty and inequality. During this time of elections for the European Parliament, Caritas Europa urges the new Parliament to step up its fight against poverty in the European Union and Europe in general. No more talk – politicians must take action and keep their promises! The EU and its Member States must fulfill their commitments to lift 20 million citizens out of poverty by 2020. Furthermore, we urge governments across Europe to find new ways to build a just and social economy which will give all people the possibility to contribute actively in our societies.
At the same time Caritas Europa urges the European Union not to forget the fight against poverty and inequality in the poorest countries of the world. The European Union can – and should – champion the fight against world hunger and set clear targets on how to end hunger by 2025. It must take leadership in achieving ambitious targets to end extreme poverty at the UN General Assembly in 2015. Europe surely has its problems and is very much affected by consequences of the economic crisis, but those who are the most affected worldwide are living outside Europe.
Approved by Caritas Europa’s Regional Conference in Soesterberg, 21 May 2014
Notes to the Editor
Caritas Europa is a network of 49 Caritas organisations in 46 European countries. Caritas Europa has a heartfelt commitment to analyse and fight poverty and social exclusion; and to promote true integral human development, social justice and sustainable social systems in Europe and throughout the world. Caritas Europa advocates for, and with, people in need in order to transform society into a more just and inclusive civilisation. The annual Regional Conference is CE’s highest governing body.
Caritas organisations address the challenges being faced by those who are vulnerable on a daily basis. Their work ranges from the provision of basic necessities such as food and clothing to the poorest, to language classes for recently arrived migrants, to micro-credit or micro-loans made to families and to small businesses, to offering training to help create new businesses or social co-operatives.
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