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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

S&Ds stand by Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, but more reforms are necessary, especially in the fight against corruption S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Orbán crosses new red lines with two unacceptable bills undermining both labour rights and independence of judiciary S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Trans-European networks are crucial for a cohesive Europe, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Transport
National governments must not block attempts to protect whistleblowers in Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
InvestEU Programme must be a guarantee for job creation, growth and innovation, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Euro & Finance
The European financial system must throw its weight behind the fight against climate change, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Euro & Finance
S&Ds urge heads of state and government to make progress on Eurozone reforms S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Euro & Finance
The EU General Court confirms our criticism on the permissibility of harmful diesel emissions in the EU S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Climate & Environment
Plenary backs ambitious S&D proposal to tax more tech giants S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 12/13/2018 Euro & Finance
Progress on technical rules, but more concrete climate action is needed, say S&D’s after COP24 draws a close S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 12/17/2018 Climate & Environment
S&Ds stand with protestors against Viktor Orbán's ‘slave law’ S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 12/18/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Progress on technical rules, but more concrete climate action is needed, say S&D’s after COP24 draws to a close S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 12/18/2018 Climate & Environment
S&Ds secure strong 37.5% CO2 emissions target for new cars in 2030 S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 12/18/2018 Climate & Environment
S&Ds welcome approval of the UN refugee compact and urge support for the migration pact S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 12/18/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: We had promised to get rid of unfair trade practices in the food supply chain. We did it for the first time in the EU’s history! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 12/19/2018 Health & Consumers
S&Ds demand continued progress for youth opportunities in The Gambia S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 12/19/2018 Security
S&Ds ensure consumer protection and affordable prices in the Electricity Market Reform S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 12/19/2018 Health & Consumers
S&Ds are determinant in brokering an ambitious deal to reduce plastic marine pollution S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 12/19/2018 Climate & Environment
Udo Bullmann calls for a radical change in Europe against growing nationalism S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 01/07/2019 Global Europe
Bullmann: the Euro is one of the great achievements of European integration S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 01/07/2019 Euro & Finance
After populist propaganda and costly confrontations, Italian government is forced to revert to EU rule-based banking and budget flexibility to partially remedy self-inflicted harm S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/09/2019 Euro & Finance
S&D Group dismayed on alleged US decision to downgrade the diplomatic status of the EU delegation S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/09/2019 Public Affairs, Security
Socialists and Democrats secure stronger supervision of financial sector to better protect people S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 01/10/2019 Euro & Finance
Mobility Package: S&Ds are the only ones to broker an agreement to defend workers’ rights in the transport sector S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 01/10/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
Gdańsk, Europe and Poland mourn the loss of mayor Paweł Adamowicz S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 01/14/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
Congratulations to Macedonians! The Parliament approved the constitutional amendments to change country’s name to North Macedonia S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 01/14/2019 Public Affairs
S&Ds welcome Commission’s proposal to end veto on taxation and announce up-coming new study on tax gap S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/15/2019 Euro & Finance
S&Ds campaign for fairer and more gender sensitive taxation S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/15/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds: Time is running out - UK must break Brexit deadlock S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/16/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: Today’s approval of the EU pesticides report is just the beginning of our fight to ensure human health and food security in Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/16/2019 Climate & Environment



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