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Medicines for Europe

Press Releases of this organisation

EU manufacturers call for urgent reforms to achieve reciprocity and a level-playing field in public procurement Medicines for Europe 30 Sep 2019 Health & Consumers
Immediately calls on new President of EU Commission to prioritise Healthcare Medicines for Europe 25 Sep 2019 Health & Consumers, InfoSociety
A DIGITAL FUTURE FOR VALUE ADDED MEDICINES – IQVIA publication shares the future of the sector Medicines for Europe 24 Sep 2019 Health & Consumers
Ready to drive access to medicines Medicines for Europe 24 Jul 2019 Health & Consumers
‘Together for Health’: Medicines for Europe launches election manifesto to deliver on equitable patient access Medicines for Europe 03 Apr 2019 Health & Consumers
New safeguards for patient safety as Falsified Medicines Directive comes into force Medicines for Europe 11 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers
SPC manufacturing waiver cannot be derailed by foreign vested interests Medicines for Europe 07 Feb 2019 Health & Consumers
Efficient use of pharmacovigilance data essential for patient safety Medicines for Europe 30 Jan 2019 Health & Consumers
Competition policy essential for access to medicines Medicines for Europe 29 Jan 2019 Health & Consumers
Crucial European Parliament vote vastly improves SPC manufacturing waiver Medicines for Europe 24 Jan 2019 Health & Consumers
Parliament’s Trade Committee votes for jobs and access to medicines with a comprehensive SPC Manufacturing Waiver! Medicines for Europe 04 Dec 2018 Health & Consumers
Medicines for Europe welcomes Competitiveness Council discussion to stop delocalisation of medicine manufacturing. It is time to effectively position Europe as a global hub for the production of medicines. Medicines for Europe 30 Nov 2018 Health & Consumers
Parliament’s Health Committee (ENVI) introduces constructive amendments to SPC Manufacturing waiver vote in its official opinion to the Parliament’s Legal Committee (JURI). Medicines for Europe 28 Nov 2018 Health & Consumers
Health at a Glance Report highlights public value of generic, biosimilar and value added medicines Medicines for Europe 26 Nov 2018 Health & Consumers
Value added medicines: Continuous innovation crucial to improve healthcare across Europe Medicines for Europe 21 Nov 2018 Health & Consumers
Driving local excellence, delivering European results Medicines for Europe 06 Nov 2018 Health & Consumers
US interference unacceptable in EU legislative proposal for an SPC manufacturing waiver Medicines for Europe 22 Oct 2018 Health & Consumers
Risk that European Council will “neuter” SPC manufacturing waiver and give foreign (non-EU) manufacturers strong advantage over EU-based manufacturers Medicines for Europe 12 Oct 2018 Health & Consumers
CJEU decision on Gilead’s SPC on Truvada® leads to successful clarification in English court Medicines for Europe 20 Sep 2018 Health & Consumers
SPC manufacturing waiver moves a step closer as influential European Parliament ENVI Committee supports reform Medicines for Europe 18 Sep 2018 Health & Consumers
European Organisation for Specialised Nurses (ESNO) launches switch management guide between similar biological medicines - a guide for nurses Medicines for Europe 26 Jun 2018 Health & Consumers
Medicines for Europe members publish disclosure of Transfers of Value to the healthcare community Medicines for Europe 22 Jun 2018 Health & Consumers
Access, sustainability and manufacturing competitiveness highlighted at global generic, biosimilar and value added pharmaceutical conference in Budapest Medicines for Europe 14 Jun 2018 Health & Consumers
Comprehensive SPC manufacturing waiver key for patient access to medicines, jobs and growth in Europe Medicines for Europe 28 May 2018 Health & Consumers, Social Europe & Jobs
EU Semester Country Specific Recommendations: Improve patient access to medicine and ensure healthcare sustainability Medicines for Europe 24 May 2018 Health & Consumers
Biosimilar Medicines: essential for sustainable access to medicines Medicines for Europe 27 Apr 2018 Health & Consumers
SPC manufacturing waiver, Competition policy, Brexit, pharma incentives European Patent Office take centre stage at 14th Legal Affairs Conference Medicines for Europe 25 Apr 2018 Health & Consumers
Supply chain commitment to tackling problem of medicine shortages Medicines for Europe 02 Mar 2018 Health & Consumers
IGBA launches a Biosimilar Medicines Information Campaign Medicines for Europe 01 Feb 2018 Health & Consumers
IGBA congratulates the Australian Government for maintaining their Biologics Naming Convention and for strengthening pharmacovigilance Medicines for Europe 29 Jan 2018 Health & Consumers
