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IRU - International Road Transport Union

Company Description

The IRU, through its national associations, represents the entire road transport industry world-wide. It speaks for the operators of coaches, taxis and trucks, from large transport fleets to driver-owners. In all international bodies that make decisions affecting road transport, the IRU acts as the industry's advocate. By working for the highest professional standards, the IRU improves the safety record and environmental performance of road transport and ensures the mobility of people and goods. Among its practical services to the industry, the IRU is international guarantor of the TIR carnet system under which trucks are sealed by customs upon departure and can cross several borders without further checks until they reach their destinations.


Press Releases of this organisation

uses and Coaches: environmental champions of passenger transport IRU - International Road Transport Union Tue, 12/15/2009 Transport
Vehicle X-ray scanning at borders could be better IRU - International Road Transport Union Fri, 04/27/2012 Transport
Videobustour – 2011 coach tourism innovation champion IRU - International Road Transport Union Thu, 10/20/2011 Transport, Innovation & Enterprise
Weights and dimensions: further effort needed on bus and coach weight limit and electronic sensors IRU - International Road Transport Union Wed, 04/17/2013 Trade & Society, Transport
Welcoming group tourism by coach is good for the environment and good for the economy IRU - International Road Transport Union Wed, 04/27/2011 Climate & Environment, Transport
White Paper must place bus and coach at the heart of European transport policy IRU - International Road Transport Union Tue, 02/22/2011 Sustainable Dev., Transport
Workable TRAN compromise urgently needed to allow even safer and greener trucks and coaches IRU - International Road Transport Union Thu, 02/13/2014 Transport
Working together to promote green travel and tourism by bus and coach IRU - International Road Transport Union Wed, 07/13/2011 Transport
“e-CMR” needed to further increase efficiency of road transport IRU - International Road Transport Union Fri, 04/27/2012 Transport
“OmniBUS” blueprint to facilitate sustainable mobility IRU - International Road Transport Union Wed, 10/21/2009 Transport
“Smart Move”: doubling the use of collective passenger transport in the EU IRU - International Road Transport Union Thu, 12/03/2009 Transport



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