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EURATEX - The European Apparel and Textile Confederation

Company Description

EURATEX is the European Confederation representing the interests at the level of the EU institutions of the European textile and clothing industries as a whole. A Secretariat deals with the numerous policy issues that are of direct interest to our industry.


Given that in the European Commission alone there are potentially 11 Directorates General and at least 5 decentralised agencies to do business with, effective input from EURATEX can be achieved only with the committed support of specialists from our members.

  • EURATEX is the recognized official body for the Textile and clothing industry at European and International level:
  • Since 2008 EURATEX is registered under the European Union 'Transparency Register' – ID number : 7824139202-85
  • Our participation as official stakeholders in number of actions organised by the EU Commission in area like Trade, Environment, Education, Training, Innovation, R&D, Standards, Industry & Enterprise etc.
  • EURATEX is part of the European Social Dialogue for the textile and clothing industry together with its trade union partner to contribute to the sustainable development of employment and to promote the industry competitiveness.
  • EURATEX is recognised by the Commission as the voice of the "European Technology Platform for the future of textile and clothing". In that sense we are certified and recognised as one of the key bodies to consult (DG Research).


EURATEX is an observatory Member of CEN, the official European body for standardization, and follows in particular the works of TC248 technical committee for textiles products.


EURATEX's member federations directly or indirectly represent, in the EU, some 186.000 companies of an industry employing 1.8 million workers. The companies which are overwhelmingly small and medium-sized enterprises cover a broad industry cross-section in terms of product, market segment and geographical spread.


With a household consumption of nearly 500 Billion Euro, the EU-27 is the largest world market for textile and clothing products. Furthermore, it is the second world exporter in textiles as well as in clothing. Read more.


To know more about EURATEX, please visit



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